Admins / Business Analysts / Developers / Marketers

270+ Salesforce Acronyms Explained

By Lucy Mazalon

Welcome to the world of Salesforce – a place where you’ll find innovation, inspiration… and plenty of acronyms! Just like any specialized technology, Salesforce comes with terminology that can be shortened to a handful of letters to help us communicate faster. However, newbies can sometimes feel like more seasoned specialists are speaking a different language!

Throughout my Salesforce career, I’ve found it helpful to keep a glossary of terms – especially acronyms! I hope that these 270+ acronyms that I’ve collated will help you understand the Salesforce platform (and keep up with the conversation in your next meeting!).

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AKAAlso Known As
Due to name changes Salesforce has made to some products and also the slang/pet names the Salesforce community adorn certain functionality, these three letters have crept into our vocabulary.

READ MORE: Glossary of Salesforce Product Name Changes
BABusiness AnalystBusiness Analysts are the people in your organization who are asking ‘why’ (why a process happens the way it does) to understand what the business needs from its technology. As an organization grows, it typically demands larger and more complex software solutions. That's where BAs come in.

READ MORE: How to Become a Salesforce Business Analyst
BSSBusiness Support System"Solutions which streamline operations, reduce costs, and help businesses create more innovative products by centralizing customer data and automating processes." (source)
DFDreamforceDreamforce is Salesforce's flagship conference - but a conference like no other! Tickets to this annual event are highly sought-after because of the learning and networking opportunities available to the 170,000+ attendees (not to mention the legendary parties, too!)

READ MORE: Complete Guide to Dreamforce
FKAFormerly Known AsDue to the name changes Salesforce has made to some products, these three letters have started to creep into our vocabulary to avoid confusion, bringing the person we're speaking to along with us.

READ MORE: Glossary of Salesforce Product Name Changes
EEEnterprise EditionYou will commonly hear these Salesforce editions: Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited. Enterprise Edition (EE) is where most organizations opt to start from, where you gain access to the features that most organizations need.

READ MORE: Exploring Sales Cloud Features – Upgrade or Add-On?
GAGeneral AvailabilityThe release status where a feature has been formally released. This happens by its inclusion in a Salesforce release cycle (Spring, Summer, Winter). Support will be available as technical support teams have been briefed on the functionality. (It comes after the Pilot and Beta phases).

READ MORE: Salesforce Product Roadmaps: New Destination for Future Features
IaaSInfrastructure as a Service"Self-service models for accessing, monitoring, and managing remote datacenter infrastructures, such as compute (virtualized or bare metal), storage, networking, and networking services (e.g. firewalls). Salesforce does not offer Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) services. It is a customer of them, primarily Amazon Web Services." (source)
KPIKey Performance Indicator"A Key Performance Indicator is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives." (source)

Admins play a key role in KPI tracking, tasked to build Salesforce dashboards that demonstrate business trends.
LEXLightning ExperienceSalesforce revamped the product interface around 2015 after having a relatively consistent look and feel for its 16 years in operation. Salesforce Lightning was designed to be a big improvement in user experience – to boost user productivity and make CRM a pleasure to use. Most organizations have now transitioned to Salesforce Lightning from Classic.
LOBLine of BusinessLine of Business could often come up when planning Salesforce projects. For example, Sales, Marketing, etc. When it comes to packaging, you can either split by project (let's say Quote to Cash broadly) or by LOB.
PaaSPlatform as a Service"A set of cloud-based services that enable business users and developers to build applications at speed...As it’s a cloud-based service there’s no need to worry about the set-up and maintenance of servers, patching, upgrades, authentication." (source)

Salesforce characteristics that make it PaaS include a Mobile Software Development Kit (SDK), managed cloud database, and point-and-click app building.
PEProfessional EditionYou will commonly hear these Salesforce editions: Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited.

READ MORE: Salesforce Professional Edition Pricing Page
QAQuality AssuranceQA is a stage of testing/test automation, which is essential to manage risk and deliver quality Salesforce releases on time. The quality of any Salesforce customizations is your responsibility – not Salesforce's! QA teams will stress-test the system's functionality and report any bugs that need to be resolved.

READ MORE: Salesforce Testing – Everything You Need to Know.
ROIReturn on InvestmentAs the name suggests, this is the return (the revenue) that an organization has gained as a direct result of an investment (budget spent). This is heard in the Salesforce ecosystem in multiple contexts – it could be an investment into a new Salesforce product, enhancement project, or AppExchange app. It could be RevOps teams performing ROI reporting across their marketing and sales data.
SaaSSoftware as a ServiceSalesforce set out to be SaaS through and through! A third-party provider, like Salesforce, hosts your CRM and related applications for your users to access over the internet. In the case of Salesforce, licenses to access the service are typically billed annually, with a contractual commitment of one to three years. That's why SaaS was revolutionary in the beginning, as companies were no longer locked into one system, with the possibility to switch providers without investing in the IT infrastructure themselves!

READ MORE: History of Salesforce
SDLCSoftware Development Lifecycle"A process that produces software with the highest quality and lowest cost in the shortest time possible." (source)

As Salesforce is a platform that businesses extend according to their evolving needs, you may hear this term!
SFDCSalesforce dot comSalesforce pioneered cloud CRM, so it was always referred to as 'Salesforce dot-com' in the early days to emphasise its online accessibility and to distinguish itself from premise offerings. The acronym still sticks today, especially among serving community members.

READ MORE: History of Salesforce
Log of All Communication and Knowledge
This might seem like a strange entry on this list, but Salesforce’s workplace instant messaging/collaboration platform is, in fact, an acronym, standing for “Searchable Log of All Communication and Knowledge”. Yes, Slack is a real word you’ll find in the dictionary, often used in slang – to “slack off” or “cut me some slack”. Don’t you think these associations drum up collaborative, highly responsive, productive, happy teams? You’re right – it all sounds dull.

READ MORE: The Origins of Salesforce’s Most Unusual Product Names
SMESubject Matter ExpertThis is an individual with specialized knowledge in a specific area. In the Salesforce ecosystem, you will find individuals with a depth of knowledge in a niche area that makes them indispensable to a particular business model or project.
TBIDTrailblazer IDTrailblazer ID is how someone authenticates (i.e. logs in to access) Salesforce digital experiences – think Trailhead, Salesforce Events, Salesforce Help (documentation), Trailblazer Community, Salesforce+,, and the rest of the 25+ other experiences. Practically speaking, this is a single sign-up and sign-on experience that will enable you to keep your profile and settings with you, no matter which digital experience you’re using or wherever your career takes you (for example, if you change jobs).

READ MORE: What Is Trailblazer ID? Salesforce Launching New Single Sign-On
/u/mPer user, per monthThere are multiple different types of Salesforce licenses, most of which Salesforce bill your organization for the number of users by month that take advantage of the services they provide. You may see this abbreviation on Salesforce's website pricing pages, on contracts, etc.

READ MORE: Types of Salesforce Licenses: Explained
UATUser Acceptance TestingKeeping your users productive is the aim of any development project. There are plenty of ways to customize Salesforce's functionality, look and feel, but how do you ensure that what you deploy into production a) functions as it should and b) is what your users actually want?

That's where UAT comes in (also known as beta or end-user testing), for users to stress-test the system how they would use it day-to-day. Sometimes carried out using scripted use cases (eg. do this, do that, what was the result?) or let your users roam free to catch things you may have missed. UAT is covered in the Salesforce UX Designer certification.
UEUnlimited EditionYou will commonly hear these Salesforce editions: Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited. Unlimited edition (UE) gives you access to the best in the suite.

READ MORE: Sales Cloud Unlimited: What Does it Actually Include?
UIUser Interface"User interface (UI) is the point of human-computer interaction and communication in a device. This can include display screens, keyboards, a mouse and the appearance of a desktop." (source).
UXUser Experience"User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function." (source)

The Salesforce UX Designer certification brings this to the forefront.


CMTCustom Metadata TypesWith custom metadata types, admins and developers have the ability to create their own configuration and application metadata, deploy it, and then update it as needed.

READ MORE: Introduction to Custom Metadata Types in Salesforce
CREDCreate, Read, Edit, DeleteProfiles control what users can do in your Salesforce org. This can be referred to as CRED, which enables you to mix and match what a specific user can do with each object. For example, you may want some users in your org to read and edit Leads, but not delete them.

READ MORE: Learn Salesforce Roles and Profiles In 5 Minutes
CRUDCreate, Read, Update, DeleteFour actions that a system can take with a record. You'll hear this term used for data loading and when discussing integrations.
DLRSDeclarative Lookup Roll-up SummariesThe Declarative Lookup Roll-up Summaries (DLRS) managed package is a must-have for creating roll-up summaries between lookup relationships. Andy Fawcett’s open-source tool is a gift, enabling you to define roll-ups using standard UI declaratively, no coding required!

READ MORE: Learn Salesforce Roles and Profiles In 5 Minutes
EACEinstein Activity CaptureEinstein Activity Capture enables you to capture the right data from Gmail and Outlook and add it to Salesforce, which is great for syncing data between these platforms.

READ MORE: Salesforce Einstein Activity Capture for Gmail or Outlook: Pros and Cons
EPIMEnhanced Personal Information ManagementsEach external user (i.e. anyone using your Experience Cloud site) should only edit and view their own Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data. This setting will be enabled in all orgs in the Winter ‘23 release.

READ MORE: Prepare for Enhanced Personal Information Management Enablement Prior to Spring ’23
EPTExperience Page TimeSalesforce uses a metric called Experienced Page Time, which measures the time it takes for a page to load entirely.
ERDEntity Relationship DiagramUsed to map out business processes to communicate both development teams ("what we need to build") and non-technical audiences ("what the technology is doing"). There are standards to ERDs in terms of which nodes (the shapes) and connectors (arrows) to use, and when. Salesforce released "Salesforce Diagrams" to promote design thinking and speed up the process of creating diagrams with pre-made diagrams.

READ MORE: Salesforce Diagrams for an Architect’s Toolset
FLSField-level securityField-level security is set by Admins on the field's definition in Salesforce Setup. It determines which fields are visible or editable to certain users.

READ MORE: Learn Salesforce Roles and Profiles In 5 Minutes
HMLHandlebars Merge LanguageHML is the way to add personalization to emails sent from the Salesforce platform (including Pardot). The most common example would be to add a Lead or Contact's first name in the body of the email.

READ MORE: What is Handlebars Merge Language (HML)
IAMIdentity and Access Management
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization codeThe International Organization for Standardization country code represents each country by two letters. Admins will come across this when dealing with country fields, country codes in phone numbers and currencies.
OCROpportunity Contact RoleContact Roles are a standard Salesforce object that define the role or level of influence that a contact has in relation to a sales opportunity.

READ MORE: Introduction To Contact Roles
OWDOrg-wide DefaultThe organizational wide default is the baseline visibility set for each object in your org (ie. the CRED). Profiles and permission sets are used to open up access beyond the OWD.

READ MORE: Learn Salesforce Roles and Profiles In 5 Minutes
PBProcess BuilderProcess Builder is a tool for Salesforce process automation, using clicks not code. Due for retirement, PB is being superseded by Salesforce Flow.

READ MORE: Salesforce to Retire Workflow Rules & Process Builder
SMLSalesforce Merge LanguageThe strings that were used to personalize emails sent from Salesforce. SML has been in the process of being phased out since the HML release in Summer ‘18. SML is still being used with Classic email templates.
UPNUniversal Process NotationUniversal Process Notation (UPN) is a way to document business processes that can be understood by a wide range of different audiences – from business analysts and IT teams, through to end-users, management, regulators and more.

Knowing Universal Process Notation is an essential competency for careers within (and beyond) the Salesforce ecosystem, such as Business Analysts, Consultants, Sales Ops, and more.

READ MORE: Introduction to Universal Process Notation (UPN) for Salesforce Processes Mapping
WFRWorkflow RulesWorkflow Rules are a tool for Salesforce process automation, using clicks not code. Due for retirement, WFRs is being superseded by Salesforce Flow.

READ MORE: Salesforce to Retire Workflow Rules & Process Builder.


BANTBudget, Authority, Need, TimeA framework that helps sales reps judge how qualified a lead is/their propensity to purchase (how likely they are to purchase). From there, sales reps can focus their attention on the most promising prospects.
CQCalendar QuarterA period of three months that is used by organizations in order to calculate their budgets, profits, losses, and sales quotas. The calendar quarters start in January/April/July/October, whereas the fiscal quarters can start at any month (according to the organization), for example, Salesforce themselves start their fiscal year in February, which means their second fiscal quarter starts in May. Salesforce Admins and users will come across this when filtering date fields in the Salesforce report builder.
CYCalendar YearA period of twelve months that is used by organizations in order to calculate their budgets, profits, losses, and sales quotas. The calendar year starts in January, whereas the fiscal year can start at any month (according to the organization), for example, Salesforce themselves start their fiscal year in February. Salesforce Admins and users will come across this when filtering date fields in the Salesforce report builder.
ECCEinstein Call CoachingEinstein Call Coaching gives users insights and trends from sales calls - taking the rich fabric of a conversation and splicing it into key moments. ECC is 'product within a product' of High Velocity Sales (HVS).

READ MORE: Einstein Call Coaching Deeper Dive
ECIEinstein Conversation InsightsGives users insights and trends from sales calls – taking the rich fabric of a conversation and splicing it into key moments. Never before have sales managers and reps been able to analyze their conversations like this – at scale and at speed – which would be impossible without the help of AI. (Formerly known as Einstein Call Coaching).

READ MORE: A Guide to 50+ Salesforce Einstein AI Products and Tools
EEIEinstein Email InsightsEinstein will surface contextual sales information while writing emails, so you ultimately send the best response, at the best time.

Available with Sales Cloud Einstein, Inbox, High Velocity Sales, or Revenue Intelligence, which come at an additional cost. It’s available (at an extra cost) for Salesforce Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited editions.

READ MORE: A Guide to 50+ Salesforce Einstein AI Products and Tools
FQFiscal QuarterA period of three months that is used by organizations in order to calculate their budgets, profits, losses, and sales quotas. Salesforce Admins and users will come across this when filtering date fields in the Salesforce report builder.
FYFiscal Year"A period of twelve months, used by organizations in order to calculate their budgets, profits, and losses." (and sales quotas)
Salesforce Admins and users will come across this when filtering date fields in the Salesforce report builder.
HVSHigh-velocity SalesHigh-velocity Sales was developed for inside sales/sales development teams that process a high-volume of activities, especially calls. Now called Sales Engagement, the product comprises of: Sales Cadences, Work Queue, Einstein Lead Score, Salesforce Inbox, Call Scripts and Einstein Call Coaching.

READ MORE: Meet Salesforce Sales Engagement
ICMIncentive Compensation ManagementREAD MORE: What Is Spiff? Salesforce Adds Latest Acquisition to Sales Cloud
SPMSales Performance ManagementREAD MORE: What Is Spiff? Salesforce Adds Latest Acquisition to Sales Cloud
YOYYear-on-yearComparing the performance in one period of time with the same time period the previous year. For example, comparing January 2022 to January 2021 to see if trends have increased or decreased.


ACVAnnual Contract ValueThe annual revenue generated from each customer contract, each year.
ARRAnnual Recurring RevenueThe annual revenue generated from all customer contracts (ie. the company-level revenue), a metric used by subscription-based businesses (commonly SaaS).
CLMContract Lifecycle ManagementCLM tools manage the complexities of the contract lifecycle: "the creation of the contract itself, which can range from a simple, single-page agreement to a massive list of specifications and amendments. Then you have the negotiation process and the approval process. And finally, you must carefully manage the post-approval period, which generally consists of administering the contract, enforcing terms, and data reporting"

There are CLM providers on the Salesforce AppExchange that can boost your legal team's productivity.
CPQConfigure Price QuoteCPQ tools enable sales teams to quickly and accurately generate quotes. Salesforce CPQ is an add-on product that sits on top of Sales Cloud.

Read more about CPQ's objects and data model,
and its differences to standard Sales Cloud products. Afterwards, check out the CPQ resources on SF Ben:

READ MORE: 8 Ways to Explore Salesforce CPQ
MDQMulti-Dimensional Quoting"Commonly used for quoting with multiple years/terms/segments where you may have a ramp-up in price over the course of the segments and/or a ramp-up in the quantity of the product being sold" (source).
MRRMonthly Recurring Revenue
RLMRevenue Lifecycle Management
SKUStock Keeping Unit"A unique number assigned by a retailer to items in their inventory" (source).
TCVTotal Contract ValueThe total revenue generated from each customer contract, for all years. For example, a 3-year contract with $1 mil ACV will be $3 mil in TCV.

General Data Management & Security

2FATwo-factor AuthenticationAlso an extra layer of security that proves a user trying to login to Salesforce is who they say they are. You will have seen this in action when creating/updating your password, and selecting a question (eg. "City you were born") and a memorable answer. Note: 2FA has now been broadly replaced by MFA.
CASLCanada Anti-Spam Law"An anti-spam law that applies to all electronic messages (i.e. email, texts) organizations send in connection with a “commercial activity.” Its key feature requires Canadian and global organizations that send commercial electronic messages (CEMs) within, from or to Canada to receive consent from recipients before sending messages." (source).
CCPACalifornia Consumer Privacy ActSimilar to GDPR, CCPA applies to businesses that collect or use personal information of California residents (even if the business is not in California).
CORSCross-Origin Resource Sharing"Allows web browsers to request resources from other origins. For example, using CORS, the JavaScript for a web application at can request a resource from" (source).
CSPContent Security PolicyThe Lightning Component framework uses CSP to impose restrictions on content. The main objective is to help prevent cross-site scripting and other code injection attacks.

READ MORE: Manage CSP Trusted Sites
GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation"A legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information from individuals who live in the European Union (EU)." (source).
HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act"Ensures that individual health-care plans are accessible, portable and renewable, and it sets the standards and the methods for how medical data is shared across the U.S. health system in order to prevent fraud." (source).
HMSHardware Security Module"Used to provide cryptography processing and key management for authentication. Shield Platform Encryption uses HSMs to generate and store secret material, and run the function that derives data encryption keys used by the encryption service to encrypt and decrypt data." (source).
KMSShield Key Management Service"Shield Platform Encryption uses data encryption keys to encrypt and decrypt data. Data encryption keys are derived on the Shield Key Management Service (KMS) using keying material split between a per-release master secret and an org-specific tenant secret stored encrypted in the database." (source).
MFAMulti-factor AuthenticationAn extra layer of security that proves a user trying to login to Salesforce is who they say they are. MFA combines something you know (ie. password) with something you own (ie. mobile phone). There are Salesforce approved MFA methods (Salesforce Authenticator app, built-in authenticators, security keys). MFA was formerly two-factor authentication or 2FA.

READ MORE: How to Prepare for Salesforce Multi-Factor Authentication
PIIPersonally Identifiable Information"Any data that can be used to identify a specific individual: social security numbers, mailing or email address, and phone numbers have most commonly been considered PII" (source).

For auditing purposes, in Salesforce, Admins can indicate that a field contains PII in the field definition in Salesforce Setup.
SCVSingle Customer ViewThe concept of collating every data point and interaction that an individual (customer, prospect, or partner) has with an organization, accessible from one record. Also referred to as a “360-degree View”, Salesforce launched the "Customer 360" messaging to communicate that the tightly connected Salesforce platform can enable organizations to achieve this rich profile of each individual.
SSLSecure Sockets Layer"Salesforce certificates and key pairs are used for signatures that verify a request is coming from your organization. They are used for authenticated SSL communications with an external web site, or when using your organization as an Identity Provider." (source).
SSOSingle Sign-onSign in to one system, and then be automatically signed into all the rest of the applications you need. Fewer passwords, fewer headaches, less tedium and it should enable you to get on with what you actually intended to do, rather than get bogged with admin stuff such as hunting around for where you put your password hint.

READ MORE: Set Up Salesforce With Google Single Sign-On (SSO)


ACWAfter Call WorkTasks that the agent needs to complete after the customer call has ended. Your job as a Salesforce Admin/Service Cloud Consultant is to make completing these tasks (eg. entering data, call outcome notes), as efficient as possible for the user.

You will need to be aware of this service concept when studying for the Service Cloud Consultant certification.
AHTAverage Handle TimeThe average amount of time it takes for an agent to resolve a customer call/case.

You will need to be aware of this service KPI when studying for the Service Cloud Consultant certification.
CTIComputer Telephony IntegrationTelephony (phone communication) can be directly integrated into Salesforce. This is a great win for Service (and Sales) departments who rely heavily on their phone, with features such as click to dial, call recording and screen pop available from 3rd party vendors.

READ MORE: Salesforce Telephony: What Are the Options?
FCRFirst Contact ResolutionMeasures the % of cases that are solved on the first touchpoint with customer service.

READ MORE: Create a Service Metrics Strategy.
FSLField Service (Lightning)An extension (add-on product) of Service Cloud that provides a comprehensive view of workforce management. Field Service involves providing services to customers beyond your office or site – which is referred to as in the “field”. Think about mobile employees, like service technicians, who carry out the service in-person; other people involved are service agents, dispatchers, and service managers. Salesforce dropped the "Lightning" from the product name, but the acronym is still widely used.

READ MORE: Complete Guide to Salesforce Field Service (FSL)
IVRInteractive Voice ResponseAn automated telephony system that interacts with callers, gathers information and routes calls to the appropriate recipients (source).

People often refer to this as speaking to a bot before they get through to a human agent.
KCSKnowledge-Centered SupportA knowledge base that documents service agents' experiences when solving cases, curated and made accessible to customers for self-service support should they encounter the same question or problem.
Salesforce Experience Cloud is praised for encouraging collaboration and improvement between customers and agents in this way.
PBXPrivate Branch ExchangeSystem that routes calls to different agents.
SLAService-level AgreementA formal or informal contract between an organization and its customers which outlines what service they will receive and how long they will need to wait to receive that service each time. SLAs can be configured into Salesforce to prioritize cases and work orders.

Developer & DevOps

ALMApplication Lifestyle Management"How changes and enhancements are rolled out to Salesforce instances. Having a solid ALM process ensures the org continues to work properly and delivers the most value to end-users. Within the ALM process there are three separate development models: change set development, org development, and package development." (source)
APIApplication-Programming InterfaceAn intermediary that allows two systems to be integrated together. APIs enable us to make two systems "talk" to each other, to successfully exchange data when and how we expect. Salesforce has multiple types of APIs, depending on what your integration requirements are.

READ MORE: Ultimate Introduction to Salesforce Integration
BYOKBring Your Own KeyWhen setting up Salesforce Shield, you can use Salesforce’s encryption keys, or bring you own if you already have a key management infrastructure in place.

READ MORE: Complete Guide to Salesforce Shield
CI/CDContinuous Integration/Continuous Deployment/Continuous DeliveryA software development practice that refers to different automated processes. Continuous integration (or “CI”) is about automatically moving work items along a release pipeline, through environments for combining and testing packages, before promoting them to production. Continuous deployment is about immediately deploying changes to a downstream environment in your release pipeline as soon as a change or work item has been approved and merged into version control. Continuous delivery is the ultimate goal of CI/CD. It’s a culture or way of working (rather than a type of workflow), which is about releasing added value and new functionality to your end-users as soon after the completion of the development or customization work as possible.

READ MORE: How to Build a CI/CD Pipeline for Salesforce
CLICommand Line InterfaceA text-based user interface (UI) used to view and manage files. The Salesforce CLI simplifies development and building automation by:

  • Aggregating all the tools you need to perform commands against your Salesforce org.

  • Synchronizing source to and from scratch org.

  • Creating and manage orgs.

  • Creating and executing tests.

  • Creating and installing packages.

  • READ MORE: Salesforce CLI
COOPCross-Origin Opener Policy"Shield your custom Visualforce pages from external attacks. When you enable COOP, each top-level custom Visualforce page opens in a new browsing context group. This process prevents direct access between other browser tabs and your Visualforce page and the page’s content." (source)
CPUCentral Processing UnitA common computing term that refers to the component that processes instructions based on software and user input. In Salesforce terms, you'll hear "Apex CPU". The Salesforce platform imposes a CPU usage governor limit to any given execution context, which is approximately 10 seconds. It means that Apex Code, declarative tools, or a combination in a transaction, must not exceed a ~10-second limit.

READ MORE: What Is ‘Apex CPU Time Limit Exceeded’ & How Do You Solve It?
DMLData Manipulation Language"Provides a straightforward way to manage records by providing simple statements to insert, update, merge, delete, and restore records." (source)
DOCDevOps CenterSalesforce DevOps Center is the place to manage releases and to give low-code and pro-code development team members a single set of configuration and code to work with bringing closer collaboration.

READ MORE: Salesforce DevOps Center: A Deeper Dive
DORADevOps Research and Assessment"Research program...that seeks to understand the capabilities that drive software delivery and operations performance. DORA helps teams apply those capabilities, leading to better organizational performance." - (source)

DORA is centered around four metrics, of which testing software is the main component to reducing your change-failure rate.
E2EEcosystem to EcosystemA test automation concept, E2E testing involves your entire IT stack, no longer testing in silos (one vendor at a time) as was traditionally the case. The complexities of modern-day hybrid cloud architecture can touch hundreds even thousands of upstream and downstream endpoints.

READ MORE: Busting Test Automation Myths [Interview]
ETLExtract, Transform, and LoadA category of tools that extract data from one platform, transform the data’s format, and load it into another platform. They have a widely varying set of capabilities, and which you choose will depend on your integration or data migration challenges.

READ MORE: Salesforce ETL Tool Market Overview
GTLGuide Template LanguageGTL is a Marketing Cloud script language that "provides a declarative syntax used for creating personalized, dynamic, data-driven messages, as well as constructing cross-channel templates and layouts." (source)
GUIGraphical User Interface"A form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and audio indicator such as primary notation, instead of text-based user interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation." (source)
IDEIntegrated Development Environment"For heavy development work, you need a professional IDE that offers features like integration with source control, syntax highlighting, auto-completion, debugger, offline editing, etc." (source)

Popular examples include Visual Studio Code and the Developer Console.
ISTQB®International Software Testing Qualifications Board"Global certification scheme in the field of software testing." (source)

There are multiple certifications to progress through, from the foundation, to agile, core, or specialist pathways.
LWCLightning Web ComponentAn updated web standards-based framework method for creating components on the Salesforce Platform. They are simpler to define and develop because they are in line with updated web standards (like CSS, HTML, and updated JavaScript without requiring a set framework).

READ MORE: [GUIDE] Lightning Web Components vs. Lightning Components
LWRLightning Web RuntimeExperience Cloud sites built using LWR templates "deliver unparalleled site performance and improve developer productivity...using the Lightning Web Components programming model." (source)
MELMule Expression Language"A lightweight, Mule-specific expression language that you can use to access and evaluate the data in the payload, properties, and variables of a Mule message." (source)
MVCModel–view–controllerAn application design model made up of three parts:

  • Model = an entity representing data or activity.

  • View = visualization of the state of the model.

  • Controller = a facility for changing the state of the model.
NACLNot Another Configuration LanguageNACL is the language Salto has developed especially for readability. Anyone who is familiar with Salesforce will be able to understand the logical display of the XML content in order to understand the purpose of a component, what changes are planned, and even dependencies.

READ MORE: Analyze Impact and Rapidly Deploy Any Salesforce Changes [In-Depth Overview]
ODataOpen Data ProtocolA set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful APIs. (source)

Salesforce Connect calls out to external OData endpoints to surface data that's stored in external objects.
PD1Platform Developer 1The Platform Developer 1 certification is a foundational exam for anyone on the path to become a Salesforce Developer, and covers a broad range of platform, declarative and programmatic topics.
PMDProgramming Mistake Detector"An extensible cross-language static code analyzer." The site hosts documentation, and suggested code quality improvements can be surfaced within DevOps platforms.
QLQuery LanguageYou will see this abbreviation appended to a number of terms, e.g. SQL, SOQL, GraphQL.
RAMLRESTful API Modeling Language"Makes it easy to manage the whole API lifecycle from design to sharing. It's concise - you only write what you need to define - and reusable. It is machine readable API design that is actually human friendly." (source)
REST APIRepresentational State Transfer Application Programming InterfaceA type of web service that exposes access to different resources in which a client can interact through the use of unique URLs and HTTP methods to indicate the requested action. Looking at it from a Salesforce perspective, this could be having endpoints to perform actions such as retrieving record details, updating a record, or creating a new record.

READ MORE: Exploring the Salesforce Rest API
SDKSoftware Development KitA 'kit' is a great way to think about it like "putting together a model car or plane. When constructing this model, a whole kit of items is needed, including the kit pieces themselves, the tools needed to put them together, assembly instructions, and so forth." (source)

On the Salesforce platform, you'll find Mobile SDK, Mule SDK, and other platform SDKs.

Salesforce Developer ExperienceThe user experience for Salesforce developers. In the past, pro-code developers were stretching the limits of a platform that hadn’t been designed with their workflows in mind. Salesforce DX was their answer to that problem. Salesforce’s overarching aim for DX was to support source-driven development, and this benefits everyone building on Salesforce.

READ MORE: What is Salesforce DX? The Definitive Guide
SFXDSalesforce Discord is a community for Salesforce Developers, curated by Salesforce Developers. Connected by a Discord community, there is also a wiki (a "glorified collection of HTML files") and searchable implementation files.
SITSystem Integration Test
SLDSSalesforce Lightning Design System"Helps you build applications with the look and feel of Lightning Experience without writing a single line of CSS. SLDS is a CSS framework that gives you access to the icons, color palettes, and font that our developers use to create Lightning Experience." (source)
SOAP APISimple Object Access Protocol Application Programming InterfaceBest for system-to-system integrations, back-end system communication, and for applications that require formal hand-off (contracts) between the API and the consumer. While it’s reliable and well-established, it tends to be slower and use more bandwidth than REST.

READ MORE: Ultimate Introduction to Salesforce Integration
SOSLSalesforce Object Search Language"Used to perform text searches in records. Use SOSL to search fields across multiple standard and custom object records in Salesforce" (source)
SOQLSalesforce Object Query LanguageUsed to search your organization's data for specific information. SOQL can be embedded in Apex code and various other places in your Org to grab specific information in a programmatic way.

SSJSServer-Side JavaScript"The Marketing Cloud uses JavaScript code processed by Marketing Cloud servers. Instead of using the browser to render the JavaScript on the client-side computer, Marketing Cloud executes the JavaScript on the server when rendering." (source)
UTAMUI Test Automation Model"Enables a more robust approach when implementing automated UI Tests. In the past, these types of tests have been very hard to write and maintain, resulting in the need to often bring in third-party tooling and solutions...UTAM’s Page Objects are written in JSON, and the idea is to move away from using XPath locators to target DOM nodes, and instead use CSS."

READ MORE: 5 Things Salesforce Developers Can Get Excited for in 2022
VCVersion ControlVersion control tracks changes to files over time, which can be anything from text files to the Salesforce metadata that makes up the structure of your org. It gives you a complete history of every change that was made to any file, at any time, by anyone.

READ MORE: A Guide to Git (and Version Control) for Salesforce Admins


CTACertified Technical ArchitectNope, not “call to action” as you may have guessed! CTAs are the ‘elite’ among Salesforce professionals. CTAs have proven they have the knowledge, skills, and capabilities to design and build high-performance technical solutions on the Salesforce platform. The grueling exam is the highest certification and ultimate test; even though it’s been around since 2012, only a few hundred professionals have earned their CTA creds.

READ MORE: Certified Technical Architect Certification Guide & Tips
EAEnterprise Architect/Architecture
SASolution Architect/Architecture
SOGAFSalesforce Operating, Governance & ArchitectureA framework that “addresses the components of governance at scale through seven distinct capabilities and their end-to-end alignment”.

READ MORE: An Operating, Governance and Architecture Framework for Salesforce
TATechinal Architect/Architecture
TOGAFThe Open Group Architecture Framework

CDP (Customer Data Platforms)

BYOLBring Your Own LakeData lakes house different data sets – of both structured and unstructured data – and make them accessible to different platforms.

Snowflake is a highly popular data lake provider that Salesforce have partnered with to deliver a zero-copy architecture and Bring Your Own Lake technology.

READ MORE: Salesforce Partnership To Deliver Bring Your Own Lake (BYOL) Technology
CDCChange Data CaptureUsed for a simple, one-way, outbound, data broadcast from Salesforce. For example, say that an external system wants to receive a broadcast every time a Salesforce account record is created, updated, deleted, or un-deleted.

READ MORE: Integration Using Change Data Capture and Platform Events
CDPCustomer Data PlatformAggregates every data point about an individual customer across multiple platforms, represented by a unique identifier. Salesforce CDP is a Marketing Cloud product.

READ MORE: What is Salesforce Data Cloud? Data Cloud vs Salesforce CDP

READ MORE: Complete Guide to Customer Data Platforms
CIOCalculated Insight ObjectIn Salesforce Data Cloud, these allow you to create a new data point, to give further insight into data patterns. Like a Salesforce roll-up field, you can combine multiple data points to gain a new data point that can be used when activating segments.

READ MORE: 14 Key Salesforce Data Cloud Terms to Know
DBORDatabase of RecordCentralized repository of record data, so that organizations can work towards the ‘golden record’ for each individual that may be represented in different ways across systems in your tech stack.
DLOData Lake ObjectThe Data Cloud architecture is made up of a set of data objects, that work in this order: Data Source → Data Stream → Data Source Object → Data Lake Object → Data Model Object. “The DLO is the first object that is available for inspection and enables users to prepare their data by mapping fields and applying additional transformations.”

READ MORE: Salesforce Data Cloud Model Explained by CloudKettle
DMOData Model ObjectThe Data Cloud architecture is made up of a set of data objects, that work in this order: Data Source → Data Stream → Data Source Object → Data Lake Object → Data Model Object. “[DMOs] are similar to Salesforce objects [that] provide a canonical data model with pre-defined attributes.”

READ MORE: Salesforce Data Cloud Model Explained by CloudKettle
DSOData Source ObjectThe Data Cloud architecture is made up of a set of data objects, that work in this order: Data Source → Data Stream → Data Source Object → Data Lake Object → Data Model Object. “A Data Stream is ingested to a Data Source Object or ‘DSO’. This object provides a physical, temporary staging data store that contains the data in its raw, native file format of the Data Stream.”

READ MORE: Salesforce Data Cloud Model Explained by CloudKettle
EDWEnterprise Data Warehouse“A relational data warehouse containing a company’s business data…enables data analytics, which can inform actionable insights. Like all data warehouses, EDWs collect and aggregate data from multiple sources, acting as a repository…to facilitate broad access and analysis.” (source)
MDMMaster Data Management“Are enterprise software products that create and manage a central, persistent system of record for master data…while Salesforce Data Cloud provides data normalization, it creates a unified customer profiles that changes and adapts.”

FREE DOWNLOAD: Salesforce Data Cloud Demystified by Eliot Harper


ABMAccount-Based MarketingA marketing strategy popular in B2B Marketing, where there are typically long sales cycles with multiple stakeholders influencing a purchasing decision. ABM focuses on prospects at an organization level, meaning that marketers set out to target specific personas in the organization, for example, the Sales Director will receive something different compared to the CFO because they don't share the same motivations, and experience different pain points. ABM may seem simple enough in definition but the reality becomes increasingly complex once you begin mapping out your strategy.

READ MORE: Building a Cross-Team Account-Based Marketing Machine
AMPSEAAllow Multiple Prospects with Same Email AddressAn Account Engagement (Pardot) feature. Marketing automation platforms typically use email address as the unique identifier in the marketing database - AMPSEA in Pardot changed that! Now that AMPSEA is the norm, the unique identifier for prospects is CRM ID. This gave marketers the ability to add multiple prospects that use the same email address to Pardot, ultimately able to market to them as if they were separate individuals.

READ MORE: 10 Pardot AMPSEA Rules
B2B MAB2B Marketing AnalyticsAn Account Engagement (Pardot) add-on product. The one-line pitch is: “the analytics app built for the B2B marketer”. In short, Pardot data (such as email engagement, visitor data), is packaged up and sent into the Tableau CRM platform for visualization and exploration. B2BMA is designed to 'plug-in-and-play' and comes with Dashboards, Lenses, and Datasets out-of-the-box to empower the non-technical marketer.

READ MORE: Guide to B2B Marketing Analytics (B2BMA)
BUPardot/Marketing Cloud Business UnitSalesforce Marketing Cloud and Account Engagement (Pardot) have their own own features that share the same name. Account Engagement Business Units are separate databases within a single Pardot account that allow you to partition prospects, campaigns, and assets. A common example is an enterprise organization that serves multiple geographies.

READ MORE: What are Pardot Business Units? An Overview.
CA360Customer Audiences 360The retired name of Salesforce's CDP offering, now Data Cloud.
CCAConditional Completion ActionsCompletion actions are one type of Account Engagement (Pardot) automation. Conditional completion actions fire only when the prospect making the activity meets certain criteria. When the rule criteria matches (“is true”, “equals value X” etc.) then the completion action will fire.

READ MORE: How to Use Conditional Completion Actions with Pardot (Account Engagement)
CLVCustomer Lifetime ValueThe metric that measures the revenue gained from a specific company once they became a customer - in other words, the total monetary amount from all ‘closed won’ sales opportunities in Salesforce, related to the account. (Related to LTV, lifetime customer value.)

READ MORE: Calculating Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) With Salesforce
CSATCustomer SatisfactionUse customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys to gauge customer experience. In a CSAT survey, the customer is asked something along the lines of: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the service you received? Answer choices are graded on a scale, usually from 1-5, where 1 represents very dissatisfied and 5 represents completely satisfied. The responses of your customers are then averaged and the result becomes your overall CSAT score.

READ MORE: Measuring Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) With Salesforce.
CTACall To ActionThe action you are encouraging your users to take when interacting with your marketing assets, such as emails, website pages, landing pages, or files. The idea is to tempt them with an eye-catching, irresistible button or hyperlinked text, so that they "convert" by sharing their information/indicating their interest.
CTRClick-Through RateClick-through rate is the % of prospects that clicked within your email, out of the whole send list. This is a popular metrics it (mostly) proves that prospects are taking the account you intended, whether that be downloading a file, or visiting a landing page.
DEData ExtensionData extensions exist in Marketing Cloud to “satisfy the need for flexible data storage”, enabling you to essentially build a table within the app database that contains your data, exactly how you need to structure it. There are different types of data extensions, including: standard, filtered, random, sendable/non-senable, shared.

Note: A data extension can possess more than one of these characteristics.

READ MORE: Marketing Cloud Lists vs. Data Extensions – Quick Overview
DMPData Management PlatformCaptures data from any source and device. Analyze billions of profiles and trillions of events to find new high-value segments in order to do 1-to-1 ad targeting across any device the individual uses.

READ MORE: Audience Studio (formerly Salesforce DMP).
DNEDo not emailDo not email is a field in Account Enagement (formerly Pardot). This is for marketing suppression, to prevent specific prospects from receiving emails globally (i.e. stopping prospect from receiving any emails being sent from the org). This is intended for admins/marketers to use (versus the prospects themselves).

READ MORE: What is a Mailable Prospect in Pardot? Do Not Email vs. Email Opt-Out
DNTDo Not TrackA feature of Account Enagement (Pardot) that when enabled, prevents activities from being captured (page, form and landing page views, file downloads, custom redirect clicks) and recording them in another system, i.e. Account Engagement.

When a user chooses to use Do Not Track (DNT), to opt-out of tracking by websites, it’s a preference that’s applied to all websites.

READ MORE: Account Engagement (Pardot) Email Deliverability and Compliance: 23 Things You Should Know
DSPDemand-Side Platform
DTRDatoramaNow known officially as "Marketing Cloud Intelligence", Datorama is the marketing intelligence platform that provides its users with the capability of connecting their entire MarTech stack (standalone from the main SFMC platform). Datorama Reports are powerful and flexible, giving you detailed analysis of emails, push notifications, and journey data at a campaign level.

READ MORE: Get Started with Datorama Reports for Marketing Cloud.
ECSEinstein Content SelectionECS is an email experimentation tool that selects the most engaging content (images) for each subscriber based on the rules you define, subscriber attributes, and what’s been popular in the past. Einstein Content Selection in Marketing Cloud is part of Content Builder - let Einstein take care of the selection!

READ MORE: Einstein Content Selection Quick Overview.
EEFEinstein Engagement FrequencyEinstein Engagement Frequency evaluates your contacts and subscribers, and identifies the optimal number of email messages to send.

READ MORE: Pardot Renamed “Marketing Cloud Engagement Splits vs Decision Splits”.
EFTPEnhanced File Transfer Protocol"All Marketing Cloud editions include an SFTP account, or ‘Enhanced FTP’ where data files can be imported to, or exported from. And SFTP is widely regarded today as the de facto protocol for secure file transfer."

READ MORE: 10 Ways to Secure Salesforce Marketing Cloud
EIDEnterprise IDThe ID of the topmost parent business unit in a Marketing Cloud instance.
ENSEvent Notification ServiceSends you notifications when certain events related to you occur in Marketing Cloud such as when a Transactional Email is sent or when an email gets open (regardless of its classification).

READ MORE: Monitoring Transactional Emails in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
EPCEmail Preference CentreA page prospects/customers use to select which topics they want to be emailed about – a preferences pick n’ mix! Prospects land on when they click “update email preferences” (or similar) from an email.

READ MORE: Pardot Email Preference Center Best Practices.
ESEngagement StudioAn Account Engagement (Pardot) feature. Offers advanced segmentation and automation tools that mean you can produce email nurture campaigns that can be effective at all stages of the customer journey. Why it's so attractive, is its visual, intuitive user interface - essentially, you map out the campaign steps on to a blank canvas.

READ MORE: 5 Pardot Engagement Studio Examples – and How to Build Them.
ESPEmail Service ProviderThe software that organizations purchase to create, send, and report on email marketing. Marketing automation platforms are ESPs with much more additional functionality.
FBLFeedback LoopUse the Feedback Loop (FBL) to identify campaigns in your traffic that are getting a high volume of complaints from Gmail users. (source)
FTPFile Transfer ProtocolThis is essentially the way that files can be transferred from one location, to a destination. This term appears in the content of Marketing Cloud, with Marketing Cloud being either the location or the destination.

See also: EFTP, and SFTP (which are interchangable).
GPCGlobal Privacy Controlled"The tracking and consent API provides functions for each step in the page view tracking process, giving you control over how Account Engagement tracks page views." (source)

The API records the global privacy controlled (GPC) browser signals for prospects/visitors that have opted out of the sale of their personal info.
IDVIdentity Verification"A Salesforce Marketing Cloud security setting that authenticates the browser or app used to access the application... Marketing Cloud plans to retire IDV for existing users in the future. [They] recommend enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your account." (source)
IERsIndividual Email ResultsIERs store Marketing Cloud email analytics in Salesforce. Marketers can send emails from SFMC, and the email analytics are captured in IERs, visible from the Salesforce UI.

READ MORE: Individual Email Results in Salesforce (For Marketing Cloud)
IPRInbox Placement RuleThe preferred metric when measuring deliverability, which is the % of emails that ended up in inboxes where they are actually going to be seen, compared to spam rate, which indicates emails ending up in the spam or junk folders.
LTVLifetime ValueThe metric that the predicted revenue from the lifespan of one customer, i.e. the average total monetary amount from all ‘closed won’ sales opportunities in Salesforce, related to accounts. You could have a single benchmark LTV, or have multiple benchmarks for different types of customers. (Related to CLV, customer lifetime value.)

READ MORE: Calculating Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) With Salesforce
MCAMarketing Cloud Advanced EditionThe ‘big sister’ to Marketing Cloud Growth Edition, with more features including Path Experiment for testing different content across channels, Unified Conversations with SMS for two-way conversations, Einstein Engagement Frequency and Einstein Engagement Scoring.

READ MORE: Marketing Cloud Growth vs. Advanced Editions: Comparing Key Features
MCAEMarketing Cloud Account EngagementWhile Salesforce have advised against using this abbreviation, you'll find mentions of this acronym around. Pardot, a Salesforce marketing automation tool, was renamed Marketing Cloud Account Engagement in 2022 in a move to make products more easy for laymen to understand.
MC ConnectMarketing Cloud Connect
MCEMarketing Cloud EngageREAD MORE: Pardot Renamed “Marketing Cloud Account Engagement”.
MCGMarketing Cloud Growth EditionThe first glimpse of what a marketing app built in alignment with Salesforce’s core platform looks like, with alignment to Salesforce native objects, mapped to Data Cloud, tapping into Flow for automation, and more.

READ MORE: Salesforce Announce Marketing Cloud Edition Built on the Core Platform
MCPMarketing Cloud PersonalizationMCP (formerly Interaction Studio) is Salesforce’s real-time personalization and interaction management solution. This means giving organizations (especially marketers) the ability to promote relevant products and services to their customers and prospects across channels like web, email, and mobile in real-time with offers specifically and uniquely for them.
MIDMarketing Cloud ID
MQAMarketing Qualified AccountREAD MORE: What is Salesforce Interaction Studio? (Marketing Cloud Personalization)
MQLMarketing Qualified Lead
PLAPardot Lightning AppThe Pardot Lightning App brings Pardot (now Account Engagement) into the Salesforce Lightning Experience (LEX). Over time, Pardot Lightning has not only applied to just the user experience (UX), but also to Pardot’s infrastructure (the data model – technically, under the hood). Although the product name 'Pardot' has been retired, you may still come across reference to PLA.

READ MORE: What is the Pardot Lightning App? (for Salesforce Account Engagement)
PURLSPersonalized URLs
OSPObject Sync for PardotAn Account Engagement (Pardot) feature. Pardot have made big moves to transform the marketing assets we manage in Pardot (forms, emails, landing pages, campaigns) into Salesforce records. What this has meant, is that marketing assets have to sync from Pardot to Salesforce (and vice versa) through the Salesforce Connector, just like Prospect records do.

READ MORE: What is the Asset Sync Queue in Pardot?
ROASReturn on Advertising SpendA term used beyond Marketing Cloud. See this metric featured in the Segment Intelligence for Data Cloud

READ MORE: (#6) Segment Intelligence for Data Cloud
ROXReturn on Experience
RTIMReal-Time Interaction ManagementWith more data streams available to marketers, and more powerful tools to process the data, RTIM is a sector of the market that's heating up. This gives organizations (especially marketers) the ability to promote relevant products and services to their customers and prospects across channels like web, email, and mobile in real-time with offers specifically and uniquely for them. Marketing Cloud Personalization (formerly Interaction Studio), is Salesforce's RTIM solution.

READ MORE: What is Salesforce Interaction Studio? (Marketing Cloud Personalization)
SALSales Accepted LeadAny prospect who has been deemed qualified by the marketing team before they are sales qualified. It's therefore the stage in between MQL and SQL, where the sales team is saying "yes, we will work on this lead".
SDEShared Data ExtensionShare data extensions with other business units in your Marketing Cloud instance. To do so, move data extensions into the main Shared Data Extensions folder or a subfolder under Subscribers.
SFMCSalesforce Marketing CloudSalesforce Marketing Cloud is a mouthful to say! With other vendors also having a 'marketing cloud' in their offering (Oracle), it's beneficial for us to always specify we are referring to Salesforce's. SFMC it is!

READ MORE: What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud? [Builders and Studios Overview].
SFTPSecure File Transfer Protocol"All Marketing Cloud editions include an SFTP account, or ‘Enhanced FTP’ where data files can be imported to, or exported from. And SFTP is widely regarded today as the de facto protocol for secure file transfer."

READ MORE: 10 Ways to Secure Salesforce Marketing Cloud
SQLSales Qualified LeadAny prospect who has been deemed qualified by the sales team. Not only has the prospect expressed interest, they are a good fit to use your product/service, are ready to buy, and/or have the budget (see: BANT).
SSOTSingle Source of TruthThe 'holy grail of data strategy, single source of truth gives you one view of each person, unifying their data across all of your databases.

READ MORE: “Single Source of Truth”: A Practical Guide for Salesforce Marketers.
STOSend Time OptimizationSend Time Optimization taps into AI to determine when Marketing Cloud/Account Engagement (formerly Pardot) emails should be sent based on past engagement data from your database. The idea behind it is that by optimizing the time the email is sent, your audience is most likely to open and click.
VACVisitor Association ChangePardot feature. "In prospect audits, you may occasionally notice entries with Type = Visitor Association Change, followed by a link with the name of another prospect...a VAC happens when one prospect's visitor record and activities become associated with a different prospect." (source)
WACWeb Analytics Connector"Use the Web Analytics Connector to extend your web analytics service to track and analyze data from your Marketing Cloud sends." (source)

You can record link activity (i.e. clicks) at different levels: Account, Email (activity from that particular email send), Subscriber, or Link (the individual link itself, if you want to get granular!).


AOVAverage Order ValueYou may come across this term in the context of Commerce Cloud. For example, Goals-Based Commerce is designed to improve margins or to increase average order value (AOV).

READ MORE: Goals-Based Commerce
BNPLBuy Now Pay LaterHow customers can buy products on credit and pay for them later. Commerce Cloud has partnerships with PayPal and Klarna.
CDNContent Delivery NetworkA highly-distributed platform of servers that helps minimize delays in loading web page content by reducing the physical distance between the server and the user. (source)
CMSContent Management SystemA content management system (CMS) is an application that is used to manage web content, allowing multiple contributors to create, edit and publish. Content in a CMS is typically stored in a database and displayed in a presentation layer based on a set of templates. (source)
eCDNEmbedded Content Delivery NetworkSalesforce Commerce Cloud provides digital customers an embedded content delivery network (eCDN) designed to accelerate site speed access and content delivery. The end result is a more secure, reliable online shopping experience for the consumer.
ERPEnterprise Resource PlanningThese enterprise-level systems take care of manufacturing, finance, master data, and accounting aspects (versus CRM applications that typically handle sales, marketing and support functions).

READ MORE: An Admin’s Guide for Getting Started with a Salesforce and ERP Integration
GMVGross Merchandise ValueThe total value sold through an eCommerce site over a defined period of time. Commerce Cloud is a leading commerce solution that aims to “make every transaction more profitable”, and therefore, increase your GMV.
OCIOmnichannel Inventory"Delivers near real-time inventory availability at the location level across all your fulfillment channels." (source)

There is also the Omnichannel Inventory service, a collection of APIs to retrieve inventory updates from your back-office systems.
OMSOrder Management SystemAny tool or platform that tracks sales, orders, inventory, and fulfillment as well as enables the people, processes, and partnerships necessary for products to find their way to the customers who bought them. (source)
PIMProduct Information ManagementA set of processes used to evaluate, identify, store, manage and distribute product data or information. (source)
PRMPartner Relationship Management"Simplify every step of your channel sales process, from onboarding to selling. Give your partners the same tools that make your internal team successful. Give channel managers step-by-step directions to quickly configure lead distribution, deal registration (and more...)." (source)
PWAProgressive Web AppApps that "are built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device with a single codebase." (source)

Salesforce's Progressive Web App (PWA) Kit integrates with Salesforce B2C Commerce APIs, which are fast "with enhanced developer efficiency. While B2C Commerce provides the critical commerce services (like pricing, promotions, search, and Einstein), PWA Kit and Managed Runtime render the web experience, and provide the operations infrastructure." (source)
SFCCSalesforce Commerce CloudCommerce Cloud is a cloud-based platform that provides brands with features and tools to help grow their online business. These tools and features support all stages of digital commerce – or as Salesforce puts it, everything “from discovery to delivery”.

READ MORE: Introduction to Commerce Cloud
SFRAStorefront Reference ArchitectureA reference architecture (a blueprint) that combines industry best practices and expected out-of-the-box commerce functionality in a web storefront that can serve as the foundation of your new Salesforce Commerce B2C site. (source)


AWSAmazon Web ServicesAWS offers "reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services...the world's most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally." (source)

Multiple Salesforce products use AWS; however, it's prominent in the analytics arena, where organizations rely on AWS to:"Extract, prepare, and analyze data using Amazon AppFlow, AWS Glue DataBrew, and Amazon Athena." (source)
BYOAIBring Your Own AI‘Bring your own AI (model)’ is Salesforce’s way to meet their customers where they’re at. With Data Cloud, Salesforce not only supports Einstein (their own LLM), but also other ones like Sagemaker, Vertex AI, etc.

READ MORE: AI Wars: How Salesforce’s Agnostic LLM Approach Works
BYOMBring Your Own Model‘Bring your own AI (model)’ is Salesforce’s way to meet their customers where they’re at. With Data Cloud, Salesforce not only supports Einstein (their own LLM), but also other ones like Sagemaker, Vertex AI, etc.

READ MORE: AI Wars: How Salesforce’s Agnostic LLM Approach Works
CRMACRM AnalyticsThis is the analytics/business intelligence (BI) solution on the Salesforce platform, integrating Salesforce data with external data and provides the ability to analyze large datasets while performing predictive analytics. (Previously known as Wave/Einstein Analytics/Tableau CRM).

READ MORE: Complete Guide to Salesforce CRM Analytics
EAEinstein AnalyticsThe former name for CRM Analytics (also formerly Tableau CRM). You may still come across EA in outdated documentation.
GPTGenerative Pre-trained TransformerGPT is a technology concept, althought it's often mistaken for a product name (with the rise of the wildly popular ChatGPT).
LLMLarge Language ModelAn AI model that has been trained using lots of data. Salesforce has their own LLM, that outperformed expectations during testing. Salesforce’s LLM leverages Data Cloud, or can be plugged into a different data lake. Organizations can also opt to their own LLM alongside their Salesforce data.

READ MORE: AI Wars: How Salesforce’s Agnostic LLM Approach Works
NBAEinstein Next Best ActionAn AI-driven Salesforce product that makes recommendations to users when they are working with records in Salesforce. It appears within a Lightning component, that's typically placed on the record page sidebar. The user can choose to Accept or Reject the recommendation.
NLPNatural Language Processing"Artificial intelligence that focuses on how computers can understand, interpret, and generate human language. NLP allows customers to interact with systems using normal human language rather than complex commands." (source)
SAQLStructured Query Language"Use SAQL to access data in Tableau CRM dataset. Tableau CRM uses SAQL behind the scenes in lenses, dashboards, and explorer to gather data for visualizations." (source)
TCRMTableau CRMTableau CRM is a self-service data visualization and business intelligence (BI) platform that integrates Salesforce data with external data. Formerly known as Einstein Analytics, and now CRM Analytics, this product boasts some of the most powerful data analysis capabilities in the market.

READ MORE: Tableau vs. Tableau CRM
XMDExtended Metadata"Enables you to customize the formatting of dataset fields and their values in Analytics dashboards and lenses." (source)

Salesforce Industries

AcronymMeaningIndustry CloudDefinition
AARAccount-Account RelationshipsFinancial Services CloudA feature to relate households with businesses and organizations. For example, it can be a relationship between a household and their trust.

READ MORE: Financial Services Cloud vs. Sales Cloud
ACRAccount-Contact RelationshipsFinancial Services CloudA feature to build Account-Contact Relationships between their clients and households. For example, it can be a relationship between a household and a member of the household.

READ MORE: Financial Services Cloud vs. Sales Cloud
AUMAssets Under ManagementFinancial Services Cloud"The total market value of the investments that a person or entity manages on behalf of clients." (source)

AUM is featured in the pre-defined reports and dashboards within Salesforce Financial Services Cloud.
CCRContact-Contact RelationshipsFinancial Services CloudA feature to relate members of the household with other contacts. For example, it can be a member of the household related to their attorney or accountant.

READ MORE: Financial Services Cloud vs. Sales Cloud
CSRDCorporate Sustainability Reporting DirectiveNet Zero CloudA prominent regulation mandated by the EU to encourage Net Zero practices. Net Zero Cloud's CSRD report builder supports companies to comply.

READ MORE: Einstein for Net Zero Cloud: AI for Impact and Sustainable AI Wars
DPEData Processing EngineFinancial Services Cloud"The Data Processing Engine is an “Enhanced Rollup-by-Lookup (RBL) framework that uses [the] superior processing power of Tableau CRM for faster calculation of RBL rules.” - an optimized way to transform and update records in Salesforce that is also being utilized as a framework for the RBLs.

READ MORE: Data Processing Engine: Powerful ETL Tool for Salesforce Financial Services
E&UEnergy & Utilities CloudEnergy & Utilities CloudA solution designed for power and utilities, oil and gas, and even further to green energy options.

READ MORE: The Complete Guide to Salesforce Energy & Utilities Cloud
EDAEducation Cloud ArchitectureEducation CloudEducation Cloud is built on the EDA (Education Data Architecture) a pre-built data model, designed for the education sector. This supports institutes to connect each student account to an administrative account, and shows a clear record of any student addresses, relationships, and affiliations. This superseded the Higher Education Pack (HEDA).

READ MORE: Your Guide to Salesforce Education Cloud
EPCEnterprise Product CatalogEnergy & Utilities Cloud"Introduce and effectively manage a portfolio of products that are relevant to customers, released at the most opportune time, and at a low cost."

READ MORE: Salesforce Help
ERMEmergency Response Management Work.comOne of the four pillars of, this app is designed to allocate health, public and private sector resources (program management and incident resolution) aimed towards the public sector and health industries. Perhaps less relevant now than in Covid times, this app still can empower certain sectors (i.e. Public Sector and Nonprofits) for crisis management.

READ MORE: What Is Work.Com? Salesforce Workplace Operations Solutions
ESGEnvironmental Social GovernanceNet Zero CloudSalesforce have developed Net Zero Cloud to be an ESG platform. ESG reporting is typically complex and time-consuming to collate and disclose reports. With this solution, Einstein suggests report content, which alleviates the burden from ESG professionals and is suitable for companies of all sizes and industries.

READ MORE: Einstein for Net Zero Cloud: AI for Impact and Sustainable AI Wars
FSCFinancial Services CloudFinancial Services CloudSalesforce developed a set of industry products to enhance and extend the functionality of its core products - the Financial Services Cloud is one example. This Salesforce managed package enhances and extends the functionality of Sales Cloud and Service Cloud combined to meet the needs of wealth management firms, insurance companies, and banks.

READ MORE: Financial Services and Salesforce – What You Should Know
HEDAHigher Education Data ArchitectureEducation CloudEducation Cloud is built on the EDA (Education Data Architecture). This superseded the Higher Education Pack (HEDA).

READ MORE: Your Guide to Salesforce Education Cloud
ITSCIT Service CenterWork.comPart of, this tool helps IT teams better support employees from anywhere - a cross-team, cross-company initiative leveraging Tanium’s real-time asset management capabilities, Service Cloud’s case management technology, and the power of the Salesforce Platform for automation, integration, and personalization.

READ MORE: What Is Work.Com? Salesforce Workplace Operations Solutions
NPSPNonprofit Success PackNonprofit CloudThe Nonprofit Success Pack was specifically designed to meet the “unique” needs of Nonprofits, aka NGOs or charities, to aid them in being successful with their mission. There is a lot to unpack just in the name itself! It’s a “Pack” because it consists of several puzzle pieces to meet those needs, sitting on top of Sales Cloud.

READ MORE: What is the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)?
NZCNet Zero CloudNet Zero CloudA solution for carbon accounting, emissions tracking, calculating building energy intensity, and more.

READ MORE: What Is Salesforce Net Zero Cloud?
PSSPublic Sector SolutionsGovernment CloudThe group of applications built on an Experience Cloud infrastructure to enable citizens and institutions log in to a portal and manage their data.

READ MORE: Public Sector Solutions from Salesforce
RBLRollup by lookupFinancial Services Cloud"Rollup-by-Lookup (RBL) is a feature of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC) that allows you to aggregate client financial data and rollup to the individual or group level using configuration rules." Salesforce are moving away from RBL to the Data Processing Engine (DPE).

READ MORE: Data Processing Engine: Powerful ETL Tool for Salesforce Financial Services
SFISalesforce Industries-The umbrella term for all industry-specific solutions that Salesforce has released. There are approximately 12 Industry Clouds, which are pre-built data models that enable Salesforce customers operating in these industries to get up and running faster.

READ MORE: Salesforce Industries: The Next Step in Your Career?
SIDShared Information DataCommunications Cloud"Provides an information/data reference model along with a common vocabulary for implementing business processes. This business model is independent of platform, language or protocol and can help identify business entities that are important to the Communications Service Provider."
VPLVlocity Process Library-A library of pre‐built business processes that can be used with Vlocity (Salesforce Industry) OmniStudio. (source)

Business Analysis and Project Management

BPMNBusiness Process Management Notation“A flow chart method that models the steps of a planned business process from end to end. Its purpose is to model ways to improve efficiency, account for new circumstances or gain competitive advantage.” (source)
CCMPCertified Change Management ProfessionalCCMP (Certified Change Management Professional) is aimed at change management professionals, which includes Salesforce Consultants, Business Analysts, Project Managers, Salesforce Admins, and other similar roles.

READ MORE: Non-Salesforce Certifications to Boost Your Resume
CIOChief Information OfficerThe member of the C-suite who takes responsibility for IT systems, especially an organization’s data.

READ MORE: From Salesforce Business Analyst to CIO
DoDDefinition of Done“Definition of done” relates to one of the requirements that the user story must adhere to for the Development Team to call it complete. This is following the acceptance criteria being met.

READ MORE: Trailhead
FRSFunctional Requirements SpecificationThe project documentation where the business requirements that are defined from an end user or business perspective. It will specify the expected outcomes.

READ MORE: Trailhead
INVESTIndependent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, TestableUse the INVEST checklist to assess the quality of a user story.

READ MORE: Trailhead
JTBDJobs To Be DoneJTBD is a methodology for determining what problems users are trying to solve, focused on understanding users in terms of functional, emotional and social needs. JTBD is a core concept in the Strategy Designer Certification.

READ MORE: Jobs To Be Done (JTBD): Improve Your Discovery Process.
PMProject ManagerProject Managers oversee Salesforce projects end-to-end on a variety of Salesforce ‘clouds’ and levels of complexity. Their priority is to ensure the project is successful – delivered on time, and within budget.

The responsibilities of a Salesforce Project Manager range from typical organizational tasks and technical acumen, through to work that requires emotional intelligence, tact, solid communication, and many other ‘soft’ skills.

READ MORE: What Does a Salesforce Project Manager Do?
PMOProject Management OfficersProject Management Officers work with the organization’s leaders to fulfil the same responsibilities as project managers. In addition, PMOs will carry out pre-project planning, such as risk analysis and opportunity analysis.
PMPProject Management ProfessionalProject Management Professional (PMP) equips project managers with up-to-date trends and practices with project management tools, processes, and methods.

READ MORE: Non-Salesforce Certifications to Boost Your Resume
PPMPortfolio Project ManagementA category of technology that enables project managers to outline, track, and collaborate on a set of ongoing projects.
PSAProfessional Services AutomationA category of technology that combines project management, time tracking, invoicing, resource planning, and more.
PSMProfessional Scrum MasterScrum helps people and teams deliver value incrementally in a collaborative manner. The entry level PSM-1 is aimed at understanding Scrum best practice when working on Agile projects. You will find this very useful on Salesforce projects.

READ MORE: Non-Salesforce Certifications to Boost Your Resume
RACIResponsible, Accountable, Consulted, InformedA matrix that delineates who is responsible for what in the context of the business analysis effort. Responsible (person who performs an activity or does the work), Accountable (person who is ultimately accountable for the outcome), Consulted (person who needs to provide feedback or contribute to the activity), Informed (person who needs to know of a decision or action).

READ MORE: Trailhead
RFIRequest for InformationRequests For Information (RFIs) and Requests for Proposal (RFPs) are a useful approach for teams evaluating Salesforce tooling – they allow you to quickly source information on features, workflows, and pricing from a range of vendors.

READ MORE: Key Considerations When Writing a Salesforce RFI/RFP
RFPRequest for PurchaseRequests For Information (RFIs) and Requests for Proposal (RFPs) are a useful approach for teams evaluating Salesforce tooling – they allow you to quickly source information on features, workflows, and pricing from a range of vendors.

READ MORE: Key Considerations When Writing a Salesforce RFI/RFP
SIPOCSupplier, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and CustomersSIPOC is a type of process map that shows the key elements of a process such as Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers.

READ MORE: Trailhead
SoWStatement of WorkThe SoW is a legal document, that outlines the work to be carried out (the scope), what’s excluded (out of scope), the client-side responsibilities, and the project schedule and fees.

READ MORE: Trailhead
SRSSystem Requirements SpecificationThe project documentation that details how the complete system should function and enumerates hardware, software, and functional and behavioral requirements of the system. READ MORE: Trailhead
UMLUnified Modeling LanguageDiagramming that uses “a common visual language in the complex world of software development that would also be understandable for business users and anyone who wants to understand a system”. (source)
UPNUniversal Process NotationA simpler and more engaging diagramming notation that has been designed to be easily understood by all the stakeholders and viewed online. As a hierarchical diagram, you are able to drill down to give more detail (with no limit to the number of levels you can go down).

READ MORE: Trailhead

Trailblazer Community

BAMBe a MultiplierAn initiative run through Trailhead, BAM encourages members of the Salesforce community to “start a movement. Empower anyone to skill up for the jobs of the future”.

READ MORE: Be a Multiplier with Trailhead
CFPCall For PresentersThere are multiple Salesforce events occuring every year — from Salesforce’s large conferences, to community-led events (typically the Dreamin’ events) — these organizers are looking for experts to take the stage and share their expertise, in the name of educating others. The submission process usually involves submitting your session title and abstract (around 200 words).
CGLCommunity Group LeaderCGLs give their time (i.e. they’re not paid) to organize Trailblazer Community Groups. This is a form of giving back to the Salesforce community that they’re part of and have benefitted from.
MVPMost Valuable ProfessionalMVPs are individuals who show exceptional leadership qualities, are lifetime learners, and who go above and beyond to share expertise and help the Trailblazer Community. There is a multi-round selection process each year. There are around 200+ MVPs.

READ MORE: What is a Salesforce MVP? How Do I Become One?
SOSFState of Salesforce ReportThe annual report, produced by IBM, contains carefully curated research into the Salesforce ecosystem’s key trends.

READ MORE: 5 Insights from the “State of Salesforce” 2023-24 Report
TTTCTrue To The CoreTrue To The Core sessions could be described as an “ask me anything” to Salesforce executives and product managers. The audience can ask even the thorniest questions and get a transparent response, including why Salesforce are taking longer to deliver a feature (dependencies) and the tradeoffs they are making internally. These take place at Dreamforce. Follow the hashtag #TTTC to keep up with the conversation on Twitter.

READ MORE: How Salesforce Develop Their Platform (True to The Core)
WiTWomen in TechComparable to other technology industries, Salesforce has a relatively balanced gender split. The Founder of Salesforce, Benioff, has advocated for equality, including gender equality in compensation within Salesforce. The WiT movement “exist to highlight women within the Salesforce ecosystem” in case where workplaces not within the Salesforce ecosystem are not as supportive of women.

Salesforce Inc.

AEAccount ExecutiveThe representative at Salesforce who sells you licenses and often supports in matching you with a consulting partners to ensure you get the most out of Salesforce. Post-sales, you are supported by a representative from the Customer Success Group (CSG).
APACAsia PacificSalesforce splits their customer base geographically to localize their messaging and services.
CBUCommercial Business UnitSalesforce splits their customer base by size in order to cater to organizations of all sizes. The smaller customers (in terms of employees/Salesforce licenses) are categorized as "commercial"; Account Executives will have multiple accounts.
CSGCustomer Success GroupThe representative/s at Salesforce who supports you post-sales. This team also creates onboarding content and developing practice guidance for the services teams.
EBUEnterprise Business UnitSalesforce splits their customer base by size in order to cater to organizations of all sizes. The largest customers (most employees/Salesforce licenses) are categorized as "enterprise"; Account Executives will have fewer accounts (even dedicated to one account).
EMEAEurope, Middle East, and AfricaSalesforce splits their customer base geographically to localize their messaging and services.
ESMBEmerging Small BusinessSalesforce splits their customer base by size in order to cater to organizations of all sizes. Part of the "commercial" business unit, these customers are the smallest in terms of employees/Salesforce licenses (approx. <10).
GBGeneral BusinessSalesforce splits their customer base by size in order to cater to organizations of all sizes. Part of the "commercial" business unit, these customers are one step up from MM but smaller than Enterprise (in terms of employees/Salesforce licenses).
LATAMLatin AmericaSalesforce splits their customer base geographically to localize their messaging and services.
MMMid-MarketSalesforce splits their customer base by size in order to cater to organizations of all sizes. Part of the "commercial" business unit, these customers are one step up from SMB but smaller than GB (in terms of employees/Salesforce licenses).
SESales Engineer/Solution EngineerSEs create tailored demos that speak to your use cases, and are on hand to answer technical questions during the sales process. This role is not exclusive to Salesforce, with many partners also using the term (sales/solution is interchangeable in most cases).
SMBSmall-Medium BusinessSalesforce splits their customer base by size in order to cater to organizations of all sizes. Part of the "commercial" business unit, these customers are one step up from ESMB but smaller than MM (in terms of employees/Salesforce licenses).


AMPAppExchange Marketing ProgramA paid co-marketing program that focuses on helping ISV (app partner) businesses grow. Salesforce offers turn-key, paid co-marketing opportunities to help partners reach a Salesforce audience, including Salesforce customers and employees.

READ MORE: AppExchange Marketing Program: What’s In It For ISVs?
COAChannel Order ApplicationChannel Order Application (COA) is what you submit to Salesforce in order for them to provision the license/s, so that the customer can access their org. Salesforce assigns an order status to help the partner track the progress of the order. You have the option to convert the trial to an active org at the end of the trial period.

READ MORE: What is Salesforce OEM – How Do I Get Started With My App Idea?
LMALicense Management AppSupports developers and app vendors apply licensing to their uploaded and registered AppExchange apps. ​

READ MORE: What is Salesforce OEM – How Do I Get Started With My App Idea?
MSPManaged Service ProviderPartner with Salesforce via the Managed Service Provider (MSP) Program, available to existing Consulting Partners and aims to provide insight and support with the MSP business model.

READ MORE: What is Salesforce OEM – How Do I Get Started With My App Idea?
OEMOriginal Equipment ManufacturerWhile you may have heard of this term, and think that it sound strange in the context of cloud-based technology, however, this general term, in this context, describes that the app is associated with a license supplied by the company that runs the infrastructure (i.e. the Salesforce platform – the ‘original equipment’). Salesforce do OEM provisioning by providing your customers with trial orgs, and more.

READ MORE: What is Salesforce OEM – How Do I Get Started With My App Idea?
PDOProduct Development OutsourcersA type of consulting partner and vendor who possess in-depth knowledge in building commercial applications for the AppExchange. They help design the product and can also work in isolated key areas of your Application. Salesforce PDOs exist to handle all tech-related issues such as third-party integrations, technical configuration, implementation, and customized development.

READ MORE: What is a Salesforce PDO? The Best Way to Start an AppExchange Business
PLCPartner Learning CampThe Partner Learning Camp is for Salesforce partners as “the primary learning destination to expand capabilities to meet customer needs now and in the future…[with] a growing list of on-demand training and engaging events.”
SRSecurity ReviewThe Security Review process is in place for all apps listed on AppExchange.

READ MORE: What is Salesforce OEM – How Do I Get Started With My App Idea?
SSPASalesforce Partner Program Agreement“The agreement that governs a partner’s participation in various Salesforce Partner Programs and utilization of our Partner Community.” (source)

The Author

Lucy Mazalon

Lucy is the Operations Director at Salesforce Ben. She is a 10x certified Marketing Champion and founder of The DRIP.


    Dave Ge
    March 16, 2022 3:54 pm
    Outstanding:) There is way too much obfuscating pedantic language in our IT industry and it gets used way too much. It is nice and convenient to have a single source of reference for so many acronyms and their definitions and meaning. Thank you.
    Tim Combridge
    March 17, 2022 12:50 am
    Hey this one is super handy! I've pinned it for future reference - I always come across an acronym here and there that I get a mental blank on or haven't seen before!
    March 17, 2022 2:30 pm
    Awesome work for entry level or fresher in Salesforce this article is going to be very helpful to understand and get going thanks for the great work done.
    March 17, 2022 7:05 pm
    Very well done. Thank you for sharing.
    March 18, 2022 6:53 am
    Awesome, I am new to Salesforce world and I found this article very informative and useful. Thank you.
    Seshagirirao Vaka
    March 31, 2022 6:33 pm
    Very good information, all useful acronyms available in one article really good idea. simple reference thanks for sharing.
    Christine Marshall
    April 01, 2022 2:06 pm
    Thanks for reading!
    February 27, 2024 2:46 am
    What does TSC stand for?
    Jim Kane
    November 05, 2024 8:01 pm
    I've been through all of the Salesforce acronyms and I cannot find what SWT is can someone fill me in it is threaded in the opportunity section within Salesforce. Thanks

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