
Enable Salesforce Path In 6 Easy Steps

By Lucy Mazalon

Salesforce Path visualizes a record’s progress through a process in a chevron diagram, plus key fields and guidance for what should be completed at each stage.

Path is a Lightning component that can be placed on Opportunities, Leads, Campaigns, Contracts, Orders, and even custom objects. If your org uses record types, adding Path is an added bonus to clearly show which record type the record belongs to, for example, a “New business” opportunity Path will look different to the “Renewal” Path.   

I will show you how to add Path to page layout in Salesforce, and three use cases to get you started.

When to Use Salesforce Path

Salesforce Path guides users through a series of stages and the expected actions at each stage. Benefits you can enjoy from implementing Path include:

  • New user onboarding – especially if your organization is fast-growing or there’s high employee turnover.
  • Training users on system changes – low-touch from the admin. Plus, discovering functionality by doing something is a more effective way to learn.
  • Increase validation, such as Validation Rules and required fields, as your users will be better equipped to graps your requirements, thanks to key fields.

How to Create a Sales Path in Salesforce

Let’s take the sales team, who are heavy users of Salesforce opportunities and like to see the road ahead for the deal (fact: Path was first available on opportunities before other objects).

1. In Salesforce Setup, navigate to: Path Settings → New Path

2. Name the Path, select the object, and record type (if applicable). I align the names of my paths [object name – record type name].

3. Select the picklist field. Path can be based on any picklist field (the picklist values will display from left to right, following how they are ordered in setup).

4. Adding the fields and “Guidance for Success” is so easy, you don’t even need a tutorial for it! Click through each Picklist value to build up a picture of what your reps to concentrate on. The text can include up to 1000 characters, including images and links.

5. Activate your Path (optionally, you can enable Celebrations for on-screen confetti, covered later in this guide).

6. As you are creating a Path on a standard object, the Path component is added to the page layout by default. For custom object Paths, you will need to know how to add the Path to the page layout (covered later in this guide).

Repeat these steps for each record type (if applicable).

Here is the end result. Below, you can compare a “New Business” opportunity with a “Renewal” opportunity. Notice the difference in the Path lengths:

Enable Celebrations

Admins can “flick a switch” at the final stage of setting up Path. It’s a nice touch, especially as updating Salesforce is usually a solitary task!

How to Add Salesforce Path to a Page Layout

If you are creating a Path on a standard object, the Path component is added to the page layout by default. For custom object Paths, you will need to know how to add the Path to the page layout.

Here’s the thing – as Path is a Lightning component you don’t add Path to a page layout – you add Path to Lightning record pages.

So, how do you add a Path to your Lightning page?

  • Head to any record page → click the cog icon (top of the screen) → Edit Page. This launches the Lightning record page configuration.
  • Search for “Path” in the components menu, then drag-and-drop the component at the top of the page (recommended, but you have the freedom to position it anywhere)
  • Click ‘Save’

Tips for Salesforce Guidance

Here are some tips I’d like to share on how to set up Guidance for Success in Salesforce:

  • Limited to a maximum of 5 fields – so be selective!
  • Include required fields and fields involved in Validation Rules.
  • Keep best practices concise. Link out to additional documentation if required.
  • Guidance can link out to user feedback surveys.
  • Hover over to view the duration the record was in that specific stage.
  • Kanban view: when Path is enabled, the key fields and guidance will be displayed on the Kanban cards.


The benefits that Path can deliver are obvious, giving a boost to user engagement (they get it) and adoption (they want to use it). Visualization features, like Path, should never be underestimated.

For more of our favorite Salesforce Lightning features, check out these ones you should implement in your org.

The Author

Lucy Mazalon

Lucy is the Operations Director at Salesforce Ben. She is a 10x certified Marketing Champion and founder of The DRIP.


    July 20, 2018 12:24 am
    As part of Case Object sales path, i addded fields as 'Case owner' and 'description'. but case owner is not editable in the screen. may i know the reason please. thanks,
    February 19, 2019 4:19 pm
    Ben, I set this up in my sandbox but am not seeing the Guidance for success text or key fields, just the stage markers as they have always looked. Am I missing a step?
    July 10, 2019 1:29 pm
    Hi Ben, I really like how the Opportunity Stage field has Closed Won and Closed Lost both show up as "Closed" in the path. Any suggestion on how to get other fields to work this way (Such as Quote Status)?
    November 12, 2019 10:08 am
    Hi, Is there a way we can set the path setting from code after case is reopen.
    April 14, 2020 7:48 pm
    Can i get the stage path for a record using apex code?
    Kate Lessard
    August 21, 2020 8:15 pm
    I'm running into the same issue- did you find a solution for this?
    December 11, 2020 9:23 am
    Did you?
    Katie Reiter
    December 22, 2021 10:17 pm
    Same here, any resolution?
    June 20, 2022 5:42 am
    Path on case disappears when the case is closed. Any resolution?
    Christine Marshall
    June 20, 2022 2:39 pm
    It shouldn't do this unless you have configured component visibility to hide it when a Case is closed.
    Diane Hackbarth
    July 29, 2022 4:11 pm
    Field selection for Closed Won, Closed Lost validations don't work when using the path. Do you know of any way around this? We have 3 fields that need to get filled out when changing an opportunity to Won or Lost. I'd like to put those 3 fields in the guidance for success but users don't see them because of how the Path works on "Closed" opptys. And the error message on validations is nasty when using the path to close out an opportunity.
    Lucy Mazalon
    July 31, 2022 7:48 am
    Perhaps a screen flow would be a better option for you, in order to guide your users to fill out the correct fields:
    September 28, 2022 8:49 am
    Hello Ben, Is there any limitation regarding picklist field in the guidance for success ? It is possible to include it but not to change manually the values of the picklist on the guidance for success. Thanks for your help!
    Andreea D
    September 30, 2022 8:57 pm
    Hello Laure, Would you mind clarifying what exactly are you looking forward to achieving within the Key fields / Guidance for Success and picklists? Is the desire for users for to be able to edit the fields within that section? For example, you could add a even a custom picklist field within the Key Fields section of a Path, and as long as users have write permissions for that particular field, they will be able to edit it right from within that section, without having to scroll through the layout to find it.
    February 17, 2023 2:47 pm
    Is it possible to create a path for campaign members? I don’t see the campaign member object in the list during setup.
    Lucy Mazalon
    February 20, 2023 2:30 pm
    Hi Tom, Interesting use case for Path! Just checked my org, and it isn't an object that's available for Path unfortunately.
    May 05, 2023 6:59 pm
    Did anyone find a resolution for this? I am running into the same issue and cannot find any articles on it.
    June 23, 2023 9:00 pm
    Is there a permission set needed to be able to save changes to updates made via path? We have it set-up for a custom object and when I update the stage and select "Mark implementation stage as complete", it saves but when other users do the same thing, the changes don't save. I'm a system admin for reference

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