Admins / Developers

Most Popular Salesforce Chrome Extensions 2025

By Andreea Doroftei

It’s no secret that there is a vast array of fantastic time-saving and helpful Salesforce Chrome extensions out there. But how do you separate the ‘wheat from the chaff’?

For me, Salesforce Chrome extensions are a big part of my working life as they support my productivity in a variety of different ways. From plugins and password managers like LastPass to extensions like OneTab (to save your computer’s memory), there’s a Chrome tool for everything!

Salesforce is no exception, as there are many great Salesforce Chrome extensions to choose from to help you in your day-to-day. This post will focus on Admin and Developer Chrome extensions, ranked by popularity (installations and ratings), as well as ease of use, alongside the included functionality.

Ranking Salesforce Chrome Extensions

For 2024, we have reviewed the top 4* and 5* Chrome extensions for Salesforce professionals, ordering them based on functionality, ease of use, star rating, number of users, and user reviews.

While this post will include extensions handy for technical folks, make sure to take a look over the post below for Chrome extensions which are sure to increase end-user productivity. 

READ MORE: Top 15 Salesforce Chrome Extensions for Users

1. Salesforce Inspector

★★★★★ (306)

Users: 500,000+

By far the most popular and well-used Chrome extension for both admins and developers, Salesforce Inspector adds a metadata layout on top of the standard Salesforce UI to improve the productivity and joy of Salesforce configuration, development, and integration work.

Check out the video below to see how easy it is to access everything through the extension; access field API names and export data, view field values that are not on the page layout without querying, and navigate through related records and objects. 

Bonus: You can even manually edit, import, and export data.

2. Salesforce Inspector Reloaded

★★★★★ (78)

Users: 50,000+

Within the last year, Salesforce Inspector Reloaded has gained a whole lot of popularity between users, as it has significantly improved the OG Salesforce Inspector functionality – Thomas Prouvot alongside other collaborators from the amazing Salesforce community have enhanced the well-known extension in ways to help both admins and developers in most of their activities. 

Aside from the possibility to navigate to the permission set and permission set group assignment with a click of a button, access setup pages or developer documentation from the Shortcuts tab or review company information such as the Org Id from the Org tab, perhaps my favorite feature is the fact that you can change the position of the pop-up to suit your way of working!

READ MORE: Salesforce Inspector Reloaded

3. Salesforce Advanced Code Searcher

★★★★★ (173)

Users: 60,000+

This extension enables you to quickly search through your instance’s Apex classes, triggers, Visualforce pages, and more.

4. ORGanizer for Salesforce

★★★★★ (225)

Users: 80,000+

The ORGanizer Chrome extension allows you to forget about your username and password and helps you to recognize tabs from various orgs on your browser. You can set individual labels, colors, and even quick links for your orgs for easier navigation.

5. Salesforce Colored Favicons

★★★★★ (85)

Users: 50,000+

This extension is sure to become a favorite fast, as it really is the simplest safeguard for a user with administrative permissions in Salesforce not to make changes in production by mistake. Each org will have its own color cloud in the browser, so you know exactly which sandbox or instance you’re in without having to check the URL.

Note: You can literally choose any color you’d like, so regardless of how many production orgs, sandboxes, and developer editions you have going on, colors won’t repeat unless you want them to.

6. Salesforce DevTools

★★★★☆ (47)

Users: 50,000+

A powerful suite of Salesforce Developer tools, including Query Editor, Fields definition, ERDs, Page Layout, and more. 

7. Salesforce Show API Name

★★★★★ (23)

Users: 40,000+

As you would have guessed by the name, this extension shows the API field names on detail pages directly under the label and works for both standard as well as custom fields.  Additionally, you will also see the Object Name and Record Id at the top of the page – no worries if you’re using Dynamic Forms already, the extension will work in the same way as it does with page layouts.

8. Salesforce Change Set Helper

★★★★☆ (55)

Users: 20,000+

A Chrome extension to improve the usability of Salesforce change sets. Adds last changed date and allows sorting, searching, validation, and comparison with other orgs.

9. Enhance Salesforce Dashboard

★★★★☆ (50)

Users: 20,000+

Salesforce only allows you to refresh dashboards daily, weekly, or monthly. With Enhance Salesforce Dashboard, you can now have “up-to-the-second” real-time information and set auto refresh frequency/duration.

10. Apex Debugger

★★★★☆ (29)

Users: 20,000+

This Lightning-compatible Chrome extension helps with debugging Apex code, you can open the logs from any Salesforce page, plus you can easily configure keyboard shortcuts as needed. You can filter, search, or delete the logs. 

11. Salesforce Admin Check All

★★★★☆ (75)

Users: 10,000+

Salesforce Admin Check All is an extension that enhances the Salesforce Setup pages by adding “check all” checkboxes to various checkbox lists. This enhanced functionality helps make some setup tasks more efficient by potentially saving administrators from having to manually check each checkbox in a list individually.

While the ability to check all field permissions has fairly recently become an out-of-the-box functionality, this extension can help you clean up Object Permissions. Note that while this is handy for this particular use case, it sadly works in Classic only. 

12. Better Salesforce Formula Editor

★★★★☆ (72)

Users: 10,000+

Creating formula fields in Salesforce usually involves a lot of clicks if you don’t know the API names by heart. This extension improves the Salesforce formula editor including Syntax highlighting, Field and Metadata autocomplete, Live snippets, documentation – and real-time error display at the bottom of the dark mode formula editor.

READ MORE: Better Salesforce Formula Editor: The App to Upgrade Your Formula Skills

13. Salesforce Mass Editor


Users: 10,000+

Mass create, mass update, mass clone, and mass delete on any list view. Supported in both Classic and Lightning.

Salesforce Mass Editor is a simple but powerful Chrome extension.

14. Salesforce Enhanced Code Searcher

★★★★☆ (20)

Users: 10,000+

Using the advanced “quick find”, you can get your code with fewer clicks. You can also search for any string in your code.

By using this extension, you can search your code components in your Salesforce instance including Apex Classes, Triggers, Visualforce Pages, etc.

15. Salesforce Navigator for Lightning

★★★★☆ (19)

Users: 8000+

This extension helps you get to Salesforce pages quickly by simply starting to type where you need to get to. 

16. Salesforce Community Page Optimizer

★★★★☆ (15)

Users: 8000+

The Salesforce Community Page Optimizer analyzes your lightning-based community/apps and identifies performance optimization opportunities. Use the information to refine your design and improve performance for your members.

17. Record and Metadata Comparator for Salesforce

★★★★★ (40)

Users: 7000+

This extension compares any two objects or their records (could be from the same org or different orgs) and highlights all the differences found.

18. Boostr for Salesforce

★★★★★ (33)

Users: 6000+

Boost your admin and developer productivity on with Boostr! This app includes the ability to search when adding items to a change set, as well as filter, add a checkbox in the admin area to uncheck/check all fields, and a whole lot more, including using Pascal Case for the API Names when creating new fields. 

19. SOQL Extractor and Analyzer for Salesforce

★★★★★ (16)

Users: 6000+

Extract SOQL queries with their execution counts from Debug Logs of Salesforce. Helps you analyze the “Too Many SOQLs” error.

20. Salesforce Metadata Utility

★★★★★ (9)

Users: 5000+

This extension is a simple-to-use and efficient productivity booster, all hidden under the right-click option. It can easily copy the record Id (both 15- and 18-character), create queries, and – here’s the cherry on the top – export all picklist values for all fields on the object you’re navigating from. 

21. Whitelist All IPs for Salesforce

★★★★★ (23)

Users: 2000+

If you want to ensure that a user can access Salesforce without requiring a verification code or security token, you need to whitelist their IP.

If you have a lot of IPs to whitelist, or you want to whitelist dynamic IPs, or if you simply want to disregard this requirement altogether, use this extension.

22. Salesforce Simplified

★★★★★ (46)

Users: 2000+

The Salesforce Simplified Chrome extension is made for Salesforce Developers – easing their daily life by sharing useful, accessible data points on top of the UI. This allows you to work faster, saving time and avoiding unnecessary clicks. 

23. Id Clipper

★★★★☆ (38)

Users: 2000+

Helps you get Ids from records and links over to your clipboard.

Click on the scissors icon to clip the Id to your clipboard, click it to get the 18-character version, and then click it again to get a cleaned version of the URL in the address bar.

24. Org Header for Salesforce

★★★★★ (14)

Users: 4000+

Quickly distinguish which sandbox you’re working in by setting up a distinctive header for each.

When you’re working with multiple sandboxes, it can be easy to lose track of which one you’re in – avoid making changes in the wrong sandbox by adding a distinctive custom header to the sandboxes you work with regularly.

25. Salesforce Explorer

★★★★★ (6)

Users: 400+

While Salesforce Explorer is quite a new Chrome Extension, it could not go unmentioned considering the sheer amount of productivity features that it’s packed with – chances are that it has a way of getting much faster to the most information you may be looking for in Salesforce.   

From an enhanced Object Manager view with the possibility of reviewing details even in a pivot format, to easily comparing records across orgs, deep diving into user access and even determining individual field usage is just a few things this extension can do.  There is also an optional ChatGPT integration to consider within the extension which you can use with your own OpenAI Key. 

The side panel accessed by a right click can help you navigate through field values, make updates, or even export related records! 


There are so many more Chrome extensions out there which may just become the next productivity booster for Salesforce professionals. Be sure to share your personal favorite in the comments below!

The Author

Andreea Doroftei

Andreea is a Salesforce Technical Instructor at Salesforce Ben. She is an 18x certified Salesforce Professional with a passion for User Experience and Automation. 


    November 23, 2020 3:43 pm
    The Chrome Chrome Extension just makes it onto your list with over 1000 users
    November 24, 2020 9:00 am
    most of them (atleast the top ones) do not work anymore on lightning. Badly researched article.
    Christine Marshall
    November 24, 2020 10:25 am
    Hi Rajat, As with many third party products, some are still working on being compatible with Lightning, however I think you'll find that the majority of these do support Lightning. Some of these products also have newer versions that didn't quite make it onto our list because they don't yet have enough users and reviews. It's also worth noting that there are still many organisations using Classic and therefore these Chrome Extensions are very much applicable to them. Regards, Christine
    November 25, 2020 8:30 am
    Hi Ben can you review this salesforce extensions as well.
    November 25, 2020 11:38 am
    Most of them are not updated since few years. You should filter out all that are not updated since one year. Most probably they are using some old libraries and may cause security risk. At least add to table last update date of each extension.
    Christine Marshall
    November 30, 2020 12:15 pm
    Hi Pawel, Thanks for your feedback! We will certainly take into consideration your suggestion to add the last update of each extension - I agree this would be useful. Best, Christine
    February 01, 2021 10:23 am
    Here is also one great tool, take a look :D
    Christine Marshall
    March 17, 2021 11:24 am
    For anyone that used to use The Great Suspender, Ian Garland has put together a really useful list of alternatives now that it is no longer available:
    Abhinav Gupta
    August 06, 2021 5:57 am
    We are among 1st few in Salesforce ecosystem to release a chrome extension (i.e. 2015 video for a very early version -, its consistently used by 5000+ users, and we are adding new features every Quarter You can find it here: Not sure how it got missed.
    Christine Marshall
    August 06, 2021 9:49 am
    Thank you for sharing!
    August 18, 2021 10:26 pm
    Did you try this new chrome extension for cleaning duplicates?
    Ashley Jones
    August 31, 2021 9:37 am
    Great! Chrome with 5 extensions needs a lot of time to start, you should add 5 more and go to the vacation and when you come back, your google chrome is there. It opened its window!!! Until I found out that there is VIVALDI browser, I had A LOT of problems with chrome. Slow work, I had to go to google to find out how to make it faster. And it works for a week or two, then it is slow again. Long live VIVALDI. And it can use all chrome extensions. At the moment, I use 4, and it is not slower because of it.
    March 02, 2022 10:02 am
    Does anyone know what happened to Salesforce Navigator? I'm getting an error...
    Christine Marshall
    March 02, 2022 12:45 pm
    Hi Ruthie, It appears to have been replaced by Salesforce Navigator for Lightning so I have updated the link accordingly!
    Kerry Haymore
    April 07, 2022 1:08 am
    This is a great list. Thanks for putting this together!
    Joséphine Odeurs
    June 29, 2022 10:40 am
    I really like the Maven Tools for Salesforce extension One tool to rule them all! An ever-growing collection of Salesforce developer tools. Uniquely architectured for Salesforce technical consultants, Maven Tools transforms how Salesforce implementations are being delivered. It offers features like an intelligent query editor, REST console, event hub and many more, giving you the power to deliver changes more quickly and effectively.
    Raphael Barreiros
    April 10, 2024 6:43 pm
    Also really like “Why Salesforce” to add custom tabs on Setup (Lightning) I really miss an extension that can store and automatically log me in in any Salesforce AND Marketing Cloud instances. ORGanizer is great for that, but only support Core :(
    Chris Black
    September 25, 2022 8:34 am
    Thanks for sharing this list its really helpful for me
    Paul Brown
    January 20, 2023 3:01 am
    You completed a few nice points there. I did a search on the theme and found nearly all persons will consent with your blog.
    Andreea D
    February 10, 2023 3:43 pm
    Hello Paul - Happy to hear that!
    Puneet Arrify
    April 21, 2023 6:14 am
    Andreea, your post is excellent! As a Salesforce user, I appreciate your compilation of popular Chrome extensions. Your list was informative, and it introduced me to some new tools that I'm eager to experiment with. I'm particularly interested in trying out the Salesforce Inspector and Salesforce Show API Names extensions. Thank you for sharing these valuable resources!
    Andreea D
    May 04, 2023 6:44 am
    Hello Puneet! Thank you for your kind words, and happy you are looking forward to trying some of the extensions out, let us know how it goes!
    Batata Moh
    June 07, 2023 9:51 am
    Oi can you do an article like this but for FireFox??? There's many like me that don't use Chrome. Awesome article btw
    Andreea D
    July 05, 2023 12:15 pm
    Hello Batata! Thank you for your feedback, and appreciate mentioning Firefox too, I might look into the available extensions there in the future.
    David Miller
    July 20, 2023 9:27 pm
    Does anyone use the Salesforce Chrome extension? I can install it, and when I try to log in, I receive a message saying that our organization does not have access. Is there a setting I am missing, or does this just not work?
    August 17, 2023 3:13 pm
    Anyone else having random issues with the Chrome extension for salesforce email where it keeps saying session expired?
    Alex Wayne
    August 18, 2023 12:33 pm
    Wow, what a fantastic rundown of the most popular Salesforce Chrome extensions in 2023! As a dedicated Salesforce user, I can't express how valuable these tools have become in enhancing my workflow and boosting my productivity. It's incredible how the Salesforce ecosystem continues to evolve, and these extensions truly exemplify the innovative spirit of the platform.
    Andreea D
    August 25, 2023 6:51 pm
    Hi Alex! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, happy to hear you enjoyed our post!
    April 11, 2024 3:03 pm
    Alas, the ID Clipper isn't compatible with Lightning.
    April 12, 2024 8:30 pm
    Hi! I would love to mention Maven Tools (dev tools like Rest Console, Code Editor, Data Loader and much much more!) that have 9000+ users and is loved by many Salesforce professionals - I hope you can update the article to include Maven Tools in the list as it meets all the requirements for the research criteria you described :)
    April 20, 2024 11:09 am
    Salesforce Share
    Nisar Ahmad
    April 30, 2024 4:21 am
    Hi! I would love to mention Lightning Studio (LWC & LMS Editor and much much more!) that have +70K users and is loved by many Salesforce professional. how it got missed?
    November 28, 2024 9:39 am
    true, this tool is awesome

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