Misc. / Admins / Developers

10 Most Popular Salesforce Admin & Developer Vlogs

By Sasha Semjonova

Blogs have been a great tool for Salesforce Admins and Developers for many years, as they condense mountains of information and put it all into one handy place. When technology advanced, vlogging (video logging) took over the scene, and suddenly video content was delivering information that could be watched whenever, wherever.

As we’ve already got a great roundup of the most popular Salesforce blogs, we thought it was only fair we give vlogs the same treatment. So, here’s our roundup of the ten most popular Salesforce Admin and Developer vlogs. These are in no particular order and are rated on various criteria including YouTube subscribers, engagement, and growth – as well as community feedback. Enjoy!

Top 10 Admin & Developer Vloggers

1. Salesforce Hulk | 101k Subscribers

Salesforce Hulk’s presence in YouTube’s side of the ecosystem is vast and undeniable. Shrey Sharma became a Salesforce Evangelist at just 19, and now his channel is a hub for both teaching and entertaining new and old Salesforce professionals.

If you find it easier to learn visually about topics such as Platform App Builders, career progressions, and everything in between, head over to Salesforce Hulk.

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2. My Tutorial Rack | 32.6k Subscribers

Although it’s not a channel dedicated exclusively to Salesforce content, My Tutorial Rack is the place to be for tutorials on a range of admin and developer topics.

With a huge selection of videos on Salesforce Lightning, developer training, automation, and more, this is another great channel if you’re a visual learner.

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3. Salesforce Emily | 14.9k Subscribers

Salesforce Emily makes learning about everything Salesforce simple, and has a bunch of great content, especially for admins. With a dedicated playlist of 151 videos of all things admin, the channel is a great learning resource for those of you who don’t mind binge-watching your way to success.

You’re likely to learn a bit of everything with Salesforce Emily, so if you’re starting out in the world of Salesforce and want some handy guides for Salesforce basics, this is the channel for you.

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4. Salesforce Break | 3.1k Subscribers

Salesforce Break, run by Salesforce Principal Consultant Andy Engin Utkan, is the channel to be at for all things Flow. Calling all admins, current and prospect – you’ll be a Flow master after going through his many tutorials.

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5. Salesforce Ben | 9.56k Subscribers

Without seeming too cheeky, we couldn’t miss the opportunity to include the Salesforce Ben YouTube channel. If you’re not familiar with it, our YouTube channel is your one-stop-shop for Salesforce guides, tutorials, career advice, interviews with industry leaders, and much, much, more.

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6. Salesforce Geek | 25.8k Subscribers

Salesforce Certified Administrator, Shubham Bwardwaj, started the Salesforce Geek channel to monitor his own learning. Now he produces regular videos that are easy to understand and nicely broken down, and you can tune into them every week.

Have a go at his mock interviews or see if there’s something he’s missed in one of his Q&A videos (we’ll be very impressed if you spot something).

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7. Salesforce with Polina | 2.02k Subscribers

As a Salesforce Developer and Technical Lead, Polina Tsuban-Drobat’s channel is a developer’s dream hub for product tutorials, deployment, and more. Although her channel might not be as expansive as the others on our list, her insider info makes her a great person to learn from.

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8. Ike Wagh | 3k Subscribers

Ike Wagh may be new to the scene but he’s already taken the Salesforce Admin side of YouTube by storm. With an entertaining approach to content, his videos are definitely ones to try if you prefer a more informal vibe.

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9. Salesforce Exclusive | 26.5k Subscribers

Best described as MS Paint learning brought to life, Salesforce Exclusive really makes a stand with the visual element of video learning.

With little characters and scenarios to guide you through topics like Flow, Apex, and more, try this channel out if a fun approach to learning is your thing.


10. Salesforce Mentor – Walters954 | 7.25k Subscribers

Last but certainly not least, we have Salesforce Mentor, Walters954. Warren Walters can indeed become your very own mentor as he is a consultant, admin, and developer. His videos will get you knowledgeable on all things DevOps and give you an insight into the different career opportunities aspiring developers can look at.

He also has a blog under the same name if you want to get involved and ask him some questions!

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Honorable Mentions

Here are a couple of honorable mentions that didn’t quite make it onto the list but are certainly worthy of a shout out!

SFDCFacts Academy | 44.1k Subscribers

Manish Choudhari, the face of SFDCFacts Academy, has videos on all the corners of tech you can think of. With such a scope of content, you’re bound to learn a thing or two on his channel.

Although his content is a little broader than the other mentions on this list, he has his own Salesforce courses on his channel, and Salesforce is where he started out, so you can trust he has the experience.

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Megan Tuano | 1.72k Subscribers

We love to see female trailblazers making an impact on the ecosystem, and Megan’s channel really brings together that friendly vlogger energy and insider Salesforce knowledge.

Aimed more generally at all Salesforce career progressions, this channel is full of videos that exude a feeling of mentorship and a real sense of knowledge.

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Well, that rounds up our top ten Salesforce Vlogs for admins and developers. Did you see your favorites in there? Do you think another channel deserves to be on that list? Let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

The Author

Sasha Semjonova

Sasha is the Video Production Manager and a Salesforce Reporter at Salesforce Ben.


    Jon R
    November 10, 2022 3:49 pm
    Don't forget your own SalesforceBen alumini, Melody Lwo of Salesforce Flowsome as an honorable mention. Super nice person too
    Adam Foyston
    November 11, 2022 1:46 pm
    Hello - did I not make the list? Xxx
    November 12, 2022 7:19 am
    Salesforce troops is also there. He has Great content & resources.
    Christine Marshall
    November 14, 2022 11:11 am
    Pop a link to her YouTube channel in the comments!
    Christine Marshall
    November 14, 2022 11:12 am
    It's always hard to keep these lists to just a few channels when there's so much great content out there! But don't worry - we already included you in our "20 Most Popular Salesforce Admin & Developer Blogs 2022"! https://www.salesforceben.com/salesforce-blogs/

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