
5 Goals for Every Salesforce Architect in 2024

By Hamza Abib

Welcome to 2024, a year teeming with opportunities for Salesforce Architects. As the Salesforce landscape evolves, it’s an exciting time to redefine and enhance our roles. This year, we’re focusing on goals that not only align with the latest technological trends but also amplify our impact as architects.

In this article, I’ll share five key goals for Salesforce Architects in 2024. These goals are carefully selected to boost your expertise and influence in the Salesforce ecosystem. From ramping up your knowledge in security and compliance to mastering Apex and object-oriented design, each goal is a step towards becoming a more versatile and effective architect. We’ll also delve into honing leadership skills, embracing UX and design thinking, and the value of engaging in pre-sales activities.

So, let’s dive in and explore these goals, designed to elevate your journey as a Salesforce Architect and bring a fresh perspective to your projects this year.

1. Increase Your Proficiency in Security and Compliance for Salesforce

As data breaches become more sophisticated and regulatory requirements more stringent, in 2024, Salesforce Architects must deepen their expertise in both Salesforce-specific security features and broader cybersecurity trends. This dual focus is essential for building robust, secure, and compliant Salesforce solutions.

Incorporating Broader Cybersecurity Trends into Salesforce

Salesforce Architects must also stay abreast of global cybersecurity trends in addition to the standard security functions Salesforce recommends. This involves:

  • Data encryption: Understanding encryption both in transit and at rest. Salesforce offers platform encryption, but architects should be aware of when and how to use additional encryption methods, especially for highly sensitive data.
  • Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments: Conducting these assessments to identify and mitigate potential security risks.
  • Data backup and recovery: In addition to robust security measures, ensuring the availability and integrity of data through effective backup and recovery strategies is vital.

Navigating Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or CCPA is crucial. Architects should:

  • Understand data residency requirements: Knowing where data is stored and processed is crucial for compliance with laws in different jurisdictions.
  • Implement data retention policies: Design systems that adhere to legal requirements for data retention and ensure the ability to purge data when necessary.

To learn more about security and compliance on Salesforce, make sure to read the following resources:

2. Cultivating Leadership and Team Management Skills

In the dynamic world of Salesforce projects, the role of an architect involves more than just overseeing tasks – it’s about setting a vision, motivating the team, and steering the project towards its strategic goals. As an architect, you are often the bridge between the technical team, stakeholders, and end-users, making your role pivotal in aligning the project with business objectives. That’s why it’s important that in 2024, you cultivate your leadership and team management skills.

Key Leadership Qualities to Develop

  • Forward-thinking: Cultivate the ability to foresee future trends and how they can be applied to your Salesforce projects. This foresight helps in making informed decisions that keep your projects ahead of the curve.
  • Effective communication: Develop clear and concise communication skills. Being able to articulate complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders and vice versa is essential for mutual understanding and project alignment.
  • Empathy and emotional intelligence: Understand and respect the perspectives and challenges of your team members. This understanding fosters a supportive environment that boosts morale and productivity.
  • Decision-making: Strengthen your ability to make timely and well-informed decisions, especially under pressure. This involves analyzing various factors and potential impacts before arriving at a conclusion.

Team Management Skills to Develop

  • Delegation and empowerment: Learn to delegate effectively. Trust your team with responsibilities and empower them with the necessary tools and authority to complete tasks. This not only eases your workload but also helps in team members’ growth.
  • Conflict resolution: Develop skills to identify and resolve conflicts within the team proactively. A harmonious team environment is crucial for smooth project execution.
  • Mentorship and coaching: Be a mentor to your team members. Provide guidance, share knowledge, and offer constructive feedback to help them develop their skills and careers.
  • Resource management: Efficiently manage resources, including time, budget, and personnel. This involves planning and allocating resources in a way that maximizes productivity and minimizes waste.
  • Change management: Lead your team through changes effectively. Whether it’s a shift in project direction, a new technology implementation, or organizational changes, guide your team through these transitions smoothly.

As a Salesforce Architect, developing leadership and team management skills is as important as honing technical abilities. These skills enable you to lead your team effectively, manage projects efficiently, and contribute significantly to the success of your organization’s Salesforce initiatives.

3. Deepen Your Expertise in Apex and Object-Oriented Design

This can be controversial in some circles, but a 2024 goal for all Salesforce Architects should be to deepen their expertise in Apex and object-oriented design best practices. Salesforce Architects play a pivotal role in shaping the architectural landscape of Salesforce implementations.

To excel in this role, it’s important to have a solid understanding of Apex programming (as well as perhaps other complementing programming languages if you’re already proficient with Apex) and object-oriented design patterns. This knowledge is crucial not for coding per se, but for guiding and elevating the development team’s work (as part of the leadership mentioned earlier).

Proficiency in Apex Programming

  • Understanding Apex: Salesforce Architects should have a solid understanding of Apex, including familiarity with its syntax, best practices, limitations, and how it interacts with the Salesforce platform.
  • Code review and optimization: Architects should be skilled in reviewing Apex code for efficiency and optimization. This involves ensuring that the code is not only functional but also adheres to Salesforce’s governor limits and performs optimally under various conditions.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting: While not directly involved in coding, Architects should be adept at identifying potential issues in Apex code and guiding developers in troubleshooting and resolving these issues effectively.

Mastery of Object-Oriented Design Patterns

  • Implementing design patterns: Architects should be well-versed in object-oriented design patterns and principles and know when and how to implement them in the context of Salesforce.
  • Building decoupled architectures: A key aspect of an architect’s role is to design decoupled architectures that promote modularity and scalability. This involves creating systems where components can be developed, tested, and maintained independently, enhancing the overall robustness of the application.
  • Promoting reusability and maintainability: By leveraging object-oriented principles, architects can ensure that the codebase is not only efficient but also reusable and easy to maintain. This foresight reduces technical debt and facilitates future enhancements.

This isn’t easy, especially if you’re just starting your coding journey. It’s important to put on a developer hat and get as much hands-on experience as possible on different projects, even if you’re also still wearing your architect hat. For Salesforce Architects, expertise in Apex and object-oriented design is not about coding prowess but about the ability to guide and elevate the team’s architectural practices. This expertise ensures that Salesforce solutions are robust, scalable, and aligned with both the project’s needs and Salesforce’s evolving platform capabilities.

4. Prioritize User Experience (UX) and Design Thinking in Salesforce Solutions

In the realm of Salesforce architecture, the significance of User Experience (UX) and design thinking cannot be overstated. As architects, our goal extends beyond the realm of technical functionality. In 2024, we should strive to create solutions that resonate deeply with end-users, ensuring not only efficiency but also engagement and satisfaction.

Understanding User Needs

  • User research: Begin with thorough user research to understand the needs, challenges, and goals of your end-users. Utilize surveys, interviews, and observation techniques to gather insights.
  • Persona development: Create user personas that represent your typical users. These personas help in keeping user needs at the forefront of your design process.

Engaging in Effective Prototyping and User Testing

  • Rapid prototyping: Develop quick prototypes of your Salesforce solutions. Tools like Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) can be instrumental in creating high-fidelity prototypes that closely mimic the final product.
  • Iterative user testing: Conduct iterative testing sessions with real users. Gather feedback on usability, functionality, and overall experience to refine your designs continuously.

Crafting Intuitive Interfaces

  • User Interface (UI) design: Design interfaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also intuitive and easy to navigate. Ensure consistency in design elements like buttons, fonts, and color schemes.
  • Accessibility: Make accessibility a priority. Design interfaces that are usable by people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities.

Embracing Design Thinking

  • Empathize with users: Put yourself in the users’ shoes to understand their experiences and motivations. Empathy is the cornerstone of design thinking and leads to more user-centric solutions.
  • Problem-solving: Use creative problem-solving techniques to address user pain points. Encourage brainstorming and ideation sessions within your team to find innovative solutions.
  • Collaborative approach: Foster a collaborative environment where feedback is actively sought and valued. Collaboration in design thinking leads to more diverse and innovative solutions.

By prioritizing UX and design thinking in 2024, Salesforce Architects can ensure that their solutions are not just functional but also a great experience. This approach leads to higher user adoption, satisfaction and, ultimately, more successful Salesforce implementations.

To learn more about design thinking on Salesforce, have a look at the following resources:

5. Engage in Pre-Sales Activities to Enhance Architectural Skills

This one is close to home for me, and that’s why I would always recommend it to Salesforce Architects! A highly effective way for Salesforce Architects to broaden and refine their skill set in 2024 is through active involvement in presales processes. Engaging in presales offers a unique opportunity to understand client needs deeply, develop tailored solutions, and enhance communication skills. This involvement not only enriches the technical expertise of a Salesforce Architect but also cultivates a more holistic understanding of business challenges and solutions.

Benefits of Involvement in Pre-Sales

  • Deepening client understanding: Pre-sales activities involve direct interaction with potential clients, providing insights into their specific needs, pain points, and business processes. This understanding is crucial for designing solutions that are not just technically sound but also closely aligned with the client’s business objectives.
  • Enhancing solution design skills: In pre-sales, architects are often required to conceptualize and present solutions before they are actually built. This challenges them to think creatively and strategically, honing their ability to design effective and innovative Salesforce solutions.
  • Improving communication and presentation skills: Pre-sales engagements necessitate clear and persuasive communication. Architects must articulate complex technical concepts in a way that is accessible to clients, enhancing their overall communication and presentation skills.
  • And there are more… You can read all about them in our Why Pre-Sales Can Make You a Better Salesforce Architect article.

Implementing Pre-Sales Involvement

  • Collaborate with sales teams: Partner with sales teams during client meetings and product demonstrations. Offer your technical expertise to help articulate the value proposition of Salesforce solutions.
  • Participate in solution brainstorming sessions: Engage in brainstorming sessions to develop customized solutions for potential clients. Use these opportunities to showcase your architectural expertise and creative problem-solving skills.
  • Develop and Present Proof of Concepts (PoCs): Create and present PoCs to potential clients. This not only demonstrates the practical application of your ideas but also helps in refining your solution design skills.
  • Contribute to proposal writing: Assist in writing proposals and responses to RFPs (Requests for Proposals). This helps in understanding the nuances of business requirements and the art of proposing viable Salesforce solutions.

Involvement in presales activities is a powerful way for Salesforce Architects to enhance their technical and business acumen. It provides a comprehensive platform for skill development, from deepening client understanding to improving solution design and communication skills, making them more well-rounded and effective professionals in the Salesforce ecosystem.


That’s our roundup of the key goals for Salesforce Architects in 2024! It’s shaping up to be an exciting year ahead. How are you planning to evolve in your Salesforce journey?

Don’t forget to share your goals and strategies for 2024 in the comments below.

The Author

Hamza Abib

Hamza is a Lead Solution Architect and is 24x Salesforce certified.


    Mehmet Orun
    January 29, 2024 6:18 pm
    I would add "Data Analysis and Reliability Assessment" skills to this list, given unifying data across sources, e.g. via Salesforce Data Cloud, or deploying AI solutions that needs be grounded in not just secure by quality data based on the needs of different business use cases.
    Brian Brown
    January 30, 2024 9:08 am
    I love this article. Goal #1: This is extremely important and the author touches on the salient points. There is the assumption that the cloud vendors will incorporate enough security to protect our solutions. We learned the hard way that this is so further from the truth. Know what levels of security is required for your solution then understand what the vendor will be responsible for and fill-in the gaps. Looking at Cybersecurity from a risk management perspective should be added to his list of pointers. Goal #3: While this is important I have found that it is more useful for the architect to enforce good code practices and standards. Always try to prioritize configuration over customization/coding, ensure proper error management, add comments in code to further understand its purpose, code execution performance, etc. An important missing goal is the strategic perspective of Salesforce. Solutions and instances are "living systems" and will need to be maintain over time. Therefore having a proactive knowledge of what features are in-line to be deprecated or enhanced are very useful to the continuing life of our solutions

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